Guide For New Bloggers To Make Money Online


Recently I wrote on how bloggers make money online where I listed out the commonly used ad programs to help bloggers realize that they have to add more revenue sources to make more money online.

But if you are running a new blog, you should not slap your blog with ads from all these ad programs. Before monetizing a new blog, you must first focus on feeding your blog with quality content and on increasing your blog’s traffic.

When your blog reaches around 500 unique traffic per day, you can start monetizing it with either Google AdSense or Chitika eMiniMalls if you have a product related blog.


AdSenseAdSense is a contextual advertising program for which publishers have to add a piece of code to their site that helps Google analyze what your page is about so they can serve ads on that topic. This increases the chance of your visitors clicking the ad which increases the chances that you will earn from them. AdSense is a quick and easy way for bloggers of all sizes to display ads that are relevant to their content.

AdSense also allows you to make money by using Google Search on your site that will display relevant ads when visitors search on your site. AdSense also has a referral program that allows you to make money by recommending various products like Firefox toolbar, AdSense, Adwords, etc.

When a publisher who signed up for Google AdSense through your referral earns $5 within 180 days of sign-up, you will be credited with $5. When that same publisher earns $100 within 180 days of sign-up and is eligible for payout, you will be credited with an additional $250. If, in any 180 day period, you refer 25 publishers who each earn more than $100 and are all eligible for payout, you will be awarded a $2,000 bonus!

I use many revenue sources to make money through my blog, but AdSense is my biggest money maker. I highly recommend AdSense as a way of monetizing a blog, especially for those just starting out.

AdSense Tips:

Text Link Ads

Text Link AdsText Link Ads (TLA) is another ad program commonly used by bloggers to make money through blogs. With the help of Text Link Ads you can sell simple text links on your site. The monthly link price will depend on factors like your Google Pagerank and Alexa rank.

Text Link Ads has an affiliate program that will pay you $25 for any referred visitor that is accepted into their publisher program and installs the advertising script on their site for seven days. If you refer an advertiser who purchases an advertisement, the referral will appear in your affiliate account within 24 hours.

In order to attract advertisers and sell links on your site easily, your blog must have a good Page Rank and Alexa rank. Signup for Text Link Ads when you have a PR of 5. Check here on how to increase your Alexa Rank.

For more info, read my Text Link Ads Review and my post on how to make money online with Text Link Ads.


Vizu AnswersVizu Answers helps you earn money from your site by placing interactive Polls on desired topics. They pay you based on CPM (Cost per thousand impressions), and you even get to set the minimum CPM rate for each poll you put up on your web site.

Vizu takes half of what you set as the CPM price. Therefore if you set your CPM price as $4, you will get payed $2 for every 1000 impressions. Since Vizu is CPM based, you will earn according to what traffic you have. The more traffic you have the more money you make.

Tribal Fusion

Tribal FusionTribal Fusion is another CPM based ad program. To get your site accepted by Tribal Fusion your site will need to have a minimum of 2000 unique visitors per day. The ads they serve can annoy your readers though as they are flashy and sometime with audio too. They even have popup ads. You have the freedom to block the type of ads you dont want displayed on your site. I have blocked ads of type adult, flashy, audio, violence, popups, etc.

It is good to have to have CPM ads on your site as your site visitors don’t have to click them for you to get money, they just have to visit the page with the Tribal Fusion ad. CPM ads can do well on pages where Cost Per Click (CPC) ads don’t do well like on your blog’s homepage.

To try out Tribal Fusion, your site must have:

  • A minimum of 2,000 unique users per day
  • Highly targeted, relevant and regularly updated content
  • Professional site design
  • An active user base


Signup for Chitika eMiniMallsIf your blog is product related, Chitika eMiniMalls (a cost per click advertising program) can turn out to be your biggest money maker. Check out Darren’s review of Chitika and tips on how to use them.


Get your site reviewedPlacing ads on your blog is not the only way to earn through blogging, you can even get paid to blog. Services like ReviewMe will pay you to review services and web sites that are of interest to your readers. ReviewMe sets your review price based on your Alexa rank, Technorati Rank and number of RSS readers. You can also set your own review price.

To get good number of review orders from ReviewMe advertisers, your blog needs to have a good rank in Alexa and Technorati and have good number of RSS readers.

FeedBurner Ad Network

You can monetize your feed with , but you may need around 500 RSS readers to get accepted.

In-Text Advertising

If your web site delivers more than 500,000 page views of text based content a month, you can signup with Kontera or IntelliTXT to display relevant in-text ads. Kontera seems to accept sites with low traffic, but to earn well with it you will still need high traffic.


BlogAdsThrough BlogAds advertisers can choose to place from simple text ads to flashy ads on your blog and the prices will vary depending upon the ad format. BlogAds allows you to set your own price. You will need an invite to try out BlogAds.

To do well with BlogAds you need to place BlogAds above the fold and need to have good pageviews.

Affiliate programs

You can also make money through Affiliate programs like Linkshare, Clickbank and Commission Junction. Text Link Ads, ReviewMe and Aaron’s SEO book also offer affiliate programs that many bloggers use.

There are many more affiliate programs, but you have to choose the ones that match your blog. Check here for tips on how to improve your Affiliate earnings.

Direct Ad Sales

Usually a blogger uses a service like Text Link Ads to sell links on their blog, but the problem of using these services is that they take a cut. Doing a private link sale can benefit you more as you get to set your own price and nobody takes a cut.

Maki has written a series of articles on developing Direct Ad Sales as an alternative revenue source to make money online. You can find the first article and an introduction to the series here.

Before trying to do a direct ad sale make sure your blog has good traffic, Google Page Rank and Alexa Rank.

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46 responses so far, Leave a comment

  1. 1

    Online Technology

    May 7, 2007 at 11:32 pm

    Thanks for the post John!!! I had been waiting for it since you said you are working on it in last comment.You have an ultimate guide which i never saw in any other blog but If you could have arranged all the links under every topic it would not have distracted a lot. So many links I don’t know which one to read.

  2. 2

    Website Traffic

    May 8, 2007 at 2:00 am

    Good post John, I see a lot of people skip over most of the available revenue sources when writing posts like this. Looks like you’ve managed to include the majority of the worthwhile ones.

    I would include LinkWorth in your list though, I’ve made quite a bit of money through them over the last couple years. It was easier when there was less competition, but it’s still a good service now and underrated in my opinion.

  3. 3


    May 8, 2007 at 2:24 am

    Very good guide! I wish that my blog was a month older so that I could sign up for all the programs! I get denied by most because my blog is too new. Next month!

  4. 4


    May 8, 2007 at 4:40 am

    Great post. Too many others assume you know all this stuff, which is mostly true for people here, but not always for beginners.

  5. 5

    Make A Guitar

    May 8, 2007 at 5:07 am

    Great roundup! Thanks so much. I was wondering though about the 500 uniques per day. What’s the thinking behind that?

  6. 6

    Online Technology

    May 8, 2007 at 6:32 am

    : Yup There are lot of things beginners dont know and we all signup, even I did but then slowly i realized I was never told which one to use when…

  7. 7


    May 8, 2007 at 10:07 am

    This is really useful post. But I have a doubt in Vizu ads. John, you have said that the user sets the price and you get paid half of what you set as price, so what would be the max limit for setting the price? I had signed up with Vizu, but didnt get any response from them, what is the criteria for their acceptance?

    Can you give me an invite for Blogads? ;-)

  8. 8


    May 8, 2007 at 10:13 am

    One more question John, If you were asked to pick one best ad service from this, which one will you pick? ;-)

  9. 9

    Garry Conn

    May 8, 2007 at 10:30 am

    Excellent guide! I this is a totally useful read for anyone newly getting into the business of making money online with your blog.

    Google Adsense is one of my favorites. If used correctly it can payout very well.

  10. 10

    Cool tips and tricks

    May 8, 2007 at 2:56 pm

    This is very informative. I also used a lot of monetizing alternatives, but there are some of them I did not know about. If you want to see what I used and how much money I got, you can check out this entry:

    I hope it will help you figure out what you can expect.

  11. 11


    May 8, 2007 at 3:10 pm

    Court- Don’t monetize a new blog until it has good traffic.

    There is no use signing up for all these ad programs without having good traffic, you won’t earn much. First focus on feeding your blog with quality content and on increasing your blog’s traffic.

    Make A Guitar- Inorder to earn well with the above listed ad programs your blog needs to have good traffic. If I had just said ‘good traffic’, readers would have asked me how much is good traffic (lol!), so I mentioned a number that I think is good enough to start monetizing a blog.

  12. 12


    May 8, 2007 at 3:21 pm

    Nirmal- I am not sure about the maximum CPM price we can set in Vizu, but I have noticed that getting an advertiser at $6 and above is hard. I currently have set my CPM price at $4.

    I currently don’t have any BlogAds invites. I will surely give them when I get.

    One more question John, If you were asked to pick one best ad service from this, which one will you pick? ;-)

    AdSense :P

  13. 13


    May 8, 2007 at 3:27 pm

    Thanks for the reply. :-)
    Does Textlink ads get you some money or is it difficult to make money from it. I have just started with TLA.

  14. 14


    May 8, 2007 at 3:31 pm

    Thank’s John. This articles really help me, and also i agree with you, firstly we must increase our traffic and then think/choice the ads into our blog.

  15. 15


    May 8, 2007 at 4:12 pm

    Nirmal- Its easy to make money from TLA if you have good Alexa Rank and Page Rank. Even a PR 4 blog may help you make some money from it, try it. To make money from blogs, you have to keep experimenting.

    Also, don’t always stick to the price TLA sets for your blog. If you think its low, contact them and ask them to increase the price.

    Nowadays I prefer private link sales more than using TLA to sell links, but I love their affiliate program ;)

  16. 16


    May 8, 2007 at 4:59 pm

    I’m experimenting with my ads currently. Private link sales would be effective only when I’m an established blogger. ;-)

  17. 17


    May 8, 2007 at 6:59 pm

    Wow, excellent list John. I didn’t realize Vizu paid for their polls. I wanted to just implement the polls they offered.

  18. 18

    Online Technology

    May 8, 2007 at 10:13 pm

    : I would agree with you. Its useless to sele ads on forums with cheap price. Its not worth it. Better grow and then people will come to you asking to buy links

  19. 19

    Latest Technology Updates

    May 8, 2007 at 10:52 pm

    Hi everybody …
    TLA is Sh** dont use it…you can make far more money with direct ad sales …if you have some pagerank and attitude in blogosphere…i just made dollars in direct ad sales…
    and its really feels great when you have found your first sponsors..

    That TLA takes half of your price from your hard earned publicity of your blog…

    and one more thing about TLA that they are not able to solve the problems related to blogger first when they saw that the my blog is good they have approved my blog then they find that their system is incompatible with blogger, they just dissaproved my blog again..
    and i ve decided that i ll never use TLA again i ve made much more money than TLA in DP that too free and at best price..

    what do you say John


  20. 20


    May 9, 2007 at 12:21 pm

    Selling links? So you can sell links on your website? Does this work for blogs too? Or does it have to be some other type of website?

    Nice post.

  21. 21

    Madhur Kapoor

    May 9, 2007 at 4:17 pm

    I agree that you have good chance of making a lot more money through direct ad sales than TLA but it is a good option when you dont have high pagerank or a great traffic .

  22. 22


    May 9, 2007 at 6:34 pm

    Agreed. Direct ad sales are much MUCH better, btu it’s hard to find any good clients for it when you’re starting out. I say start with TLA or Linkworth and then start direct selling text links, possibly filtering out TLA until you’ve reached your goal.

  23. 23

    Online Technology

    May 9, 2007 at 9:52 pm

    Best is if you can sell links which can match your website niche. But that doesnt happen all the time. The offer sometimes are so good you just cant resist.

    : Direct sell ads work only if you are selling links less than what TLA gives you. Moreover you have to be very well known in terms of traffic and others to get direct links

  24. 24

    Online Technology

    May 9, 2007 at 9:54 pm

    Technology: Can you show Your exact stats with DP links where you sold links. Everybody will be interested.

  25. 25


    May 9, 2007 at 11:58 pm

    I have just started blogging not seriously but its a start so trying to learn from you guys

  26. 26


    May 11, 2007 at 8:09 am

    John, I am new to your blog. But I am learning a lot everyday. Thanks for all the good postings. I am trying out to make some income online too :-) Wish me luck!

  27. 27


    May 11, 2007 at 2:37 pm

    Good info.. now i can add more source of income :))

  28. 28


    May 12, 2007 at 6:58 am

    I applied for Chitika and they say on the app page that you need at least 10k page views per week to qualify. Hopefully they’ll still take me. I’ve been wanting to try BlogAds, but I can’t find any music blogs out there that have it, so I can attempt to get an invite……

  29. 29


    May 12, 2007 at 11:49 am

    yeah, i too agree. i will now focus to get atleast 500 visitors a day and then i can have those affiliates with me. instead of doing reviews for just 5$ i am interested in doing review for 100$.

  30. 30


    May 25, 2007 at 11:21 am

    Pretty interesting info, I gotta try some of these. One I haven’t heard of is blog ads. Thanks for the info.

  31. 31


    June 3, 2007 at 12:07 pm

    Adsense and those payperpost reviews (including reviewme) has always been the most profitable for me. Hopefully some of these are just as good!

  32. 32


    July 3, 2007 at 7:03 pm

    i am living in India…will i get check from kontera to my place at India?….or is there any other payment method?…

  33. 33


    July 25, 2007 at 3:24 pm

    Hi Jhon. Is There Any making Money Program similiar like Polls Vizu?

  34. 34


    July 25, 2007 at 4:41 pm

    Thanks for the tips.

    Btw, you can be accepted to FAN if you get an invite for joining a community. However, getting ads is another thing ;)

    And I am so excited, after focussing on my blog for just 2 months, and a layoff of 1 month, i will get PR5 - or so iwebtool predicts. but is pr the only factor for TLA?

  35. 35


    September 24, 2007 at 9:03 am

    Great tips! Though I don’t plan on making money off of my blog, at least I know what to do if ever I change my mind. Thanks for the interesting article!

  36. 36

    Donald Mckenzie Jr

    September 30, 2007 at 7:12 am

    I see a lot of great information here. I really like this post and have bookmarked it for future reference. Keep up the great work.

  37. 37

    Get A Six Pack

    October 1, 2007 at 3:30 am

    I think its great if you can generate a bit of extra income off your blogs, why not..

  38. 38


    October 9, 2007 at 2:36 am

    Nice straight forward post about starting to blog. I like it !

  39. 39


    October 27, 2007 at 8:30 pm

    After this PageRank drop, it seems to stay with Google Adsense ;-)

  40. 40


    November 15, 2007 at 1:27 pm

    Nice list! Thanks!

  41. 41

    Dr. Y

    November 19, 2007 at 3:51 pm

    500 posts per day, then start putting ads !!! OMG, thats like a dream in my case.

    Oh well, thanks for the topic. IT was very helpful.

  42. 42


    November 21, 2007 at 11:16 pm

    Would you like to get paid for sharing your photos with your friends? Or get paid every time someone views your pics? Or someone clicks on your photos? if yes.. well in that case i have some good news for you….

  43. 43


    March 16, 2008 at 8:06 am

    i am new to money making online i desperately need money.i will pleased if you give me the suggestion and process of making money and various methods of making money

  44. 44


    July 3, 2008 at 5:20 am

    Great info John!

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