Reply from the Adsense Team


A few weeks back I had received a mail from the Adsense team saying that they had detected invalid clicks on my Ads. The invalid clicks they had detected were from the users of the useless traffic I had mentioned about.

This is how I replied them-

Hello AdSense Team,

I have not used and will not use any third-party programs to generate invalid clicks or impressions.

But if you can tell me the hostnames then I can block those hosts from visiting my site. Is there any way I can protect myself from these programs?

Three days later they reply-


We understand that you wish to receive specific information regarding the invalid clicks we observed on your account. However, due to the proprietary nature of our algorithm, we cannot disclose any details about what specifics we found on your account.

We recommend that you exercise caution when using third-party services to ensure that you do not violate the AdSense Terms and Conditions. It is against our program policies for website publishers to click on the ads on their own web pages, or to encourage others to do so. Note that some programs including, but not limited to, auto-surf, pay-to-surf, pay-to-read, or pay-to-click services may provide incentives for generating traffic resulting in invalid clicks or impressions.

Please note that AdSense participants are solely responsible for verifying that methods of obtaining traffic comply with our Terms and Conditions and program policies:

We have these policies in place to help ensure the effectiveness of Google ads for our publishers as well as our advertisers. As mentioned, if we continue to detect traffic to the Google Ads that violate the Terms and Conditions and program policies, we may disable your account to protect
our advertisers.


The Google AdSense Team

I guess I have to start using programs like Adlogger to protect my Adsense Ads from invalid clicks.

For those of you who do not know what Adlogger is-

AdLogger is an open-source AdSense tracking program for website owners and publishers. It monitors and records all AdSense activity on your page in real time and compiles the data for you to review.

It’s become a surprisingly powerful program that helps AdSense publishers monitor their accounts with the primary purpose to combat click fraud before it becomes a problem. The last thing anybody wants is to have his or her account banned due to invalid clicks. AdLogger greatly reduces the chance of this happening by giving you advanced monitoring features and automatic disabling of ads for a particular visitor if he is clicking too many.

For more info visit their website-


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4 responses so far,

  1. 1

    Jason Drohn

    July 28, 2006 at 6:58 pm

    Hey John,
    I am truly surprised that they warned you at all. I have read and heard of a lot of instances where they just disabled the account without any notice whatsoever. It is an unfortunate problem (invalid clicks) because you don’t have enough info to source out the problem. I will have to try adlogger as well. It might help and thank you for the tip!

  2. 2

    Ryan M

    July 28, 2006 at 11:45 pm

    Yeah John thanks for the tip with Adlogger. I have it installed and I’m liking it so far. I did find it odd that Adlogger said I got a click from my own IP address yet I know for a fact that I didn’t click it, so I’m not sure what’s up with that. I’ll do some more research. But like Jason said, you did get lucky, there have been far too many horror stories of Google up and disabling people’s accounts.

  3. 3

    John T P

    July 29, 2006 at 11:22 am

    Yes, I was just lucky this time. But luck will not be there always :-(

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