Useless Traffic


Today I found this blog having over 40 visitors online every minute. After checking my stats I found my referring pages filled with different referral links from the same site

Upon visiting the site, I found that it was a traffic exchange site that I have never heard of nor registered to. The traffic from this site had been pouring for hours and continues even when I write this. let’s you visit many sites just the way Blog Explosion let’s you except that they load the next site automatically in less than 10 seconds!

Inshort the traffic from this site is completely useless as the visitors will only be able to stay on your site for less than 10 seconds. What’s the use of such traffic? All this does is waste our site’s bandwidth :-(

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6 responses so far,

  1. 1

    Keith Dsouza

    July 6, 2006 at 12:37 pm

    Yes John I am getting the same traffic.

    It is totally useless, so what I am going to do is check the referrer and redirect it to some static page which only has a message and no images etc.

    This way i will not loose bandwidth.

    Its a headache and I still don’t understand who registered me there.

  2. 2

    John T P

    July 6, 2006 at 6:36 pm

    I have noticed an increase in RSS subscribers, do you think it’s because of this traffic?

  3. 3


    August 15, 2006 at 5:21 pm

    Hello John,

    you may want to setup a PHP script that bans such referrers away from your blog. E.g.:

    # Code begins here
    $blockedRefs = array(””);

    $ref = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];

    foreach ($blockedRefs as $blocked) {
    if (strpos($ref, $blocked) !== false) {
    // Bounce them back to themselve
    header(”Location: “.$ref);

    # Code ends here

    There is also a .htaccess solution for this. It’s based on mod_rewrite and works with RewriteRule and so on. Unfortunately I don’t know how it exactly goes. :(

    But you may want to google for “RewriteRule HTTP_REFERER” or so.

  4. 4


    August 15, 2006 at 5:23 pm

    Sorry for this offtopic post:

    How did you made these “related posting links” below this input box?

  5. 5

    John T P

    August 15, 2006 at 5:54 pm

    It can be done with the WordPress Plugin ‘Related Posts’. You can find this and more useful plugins here

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