How to help your readers


If you want your readers to come back to your blog often, you have to help them. Here are some tips on how to help your readers…

  • Make your blog design attractive and add quality content regularly such that your first time readers have an unforgetable experience which will make them want to come back again.
  • Add the most important pages of your blog in your navigation bar and add it to every page.
  • Make a list of the most popular posts on your blog and add them to the homepage, just like I have done here. This is very helpful especially for first time readers.
  • Help your readers with any problems that they have
  • Always be nice to them. If they flame you in comments, just delete it
  • Always reply to comments and emails from your readers
  • Use simple language. Do not use complicated terms without explaining what it means. Use Wikipedia to help your readers better understand a term
  • Do not confuse or annoy your readers in any way.
  • Help your readers to get to your blog in multiple ways by using services such as and FeedBlitz
  • It’s a good idea to ask for your reader’s opinion before you make any major changes to your blog.

Got any other tips you want to share? Please do so in the comments.


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2 responses so far,

  1. 1


    August 30, 2006 at 4:36 am

    # Always be nice to them. If they flame you in comments, just delete it
    # Always reply to comments and emails from your readers

    Yeah, I for one have a serious problem with this:
    1. I fear getting flamed, so
    2. I’m hesitant at reading comments.

    So thanks, I’ll try to do better in the future.

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