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Fun facts about your Birthday

The birthday calculator can tell you fun things about you and the day you were born. It can tell you all sorts of things from the phase of the moon when you were born, your birth stone and lots of numerological and astrological facts.

Here are some facts about my Birthday…

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5 Reasons to why you are losing your RSS Subscribers

You might have noticed your Blog’s RSS subscribers increasing and decreasing often. But have you ever wondered why you lose them? Here are a few reasons.

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What’s Your Blog Really About?

Brian at copyblogger asks What’s Your Blog Really About? and gives some good tips for writing an about page.

Most blog’s About pages tend to be about the author, not about the blog. And most of the time, that’s where visitors will click away, never to be seen again, because they were provided with no compelling reason to ever come back.

I completely agree with Brian. It’s the “About” page that most visitors read on their first time visit to a blog. And if the page cannot give them good reasons to stay, they might just leave.

Here are some things you must include in your “About” page

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Yahoo to Test Finance Widget

Steve Rubel reports that will begin testing a new widget that will allow bloggers and other websites to put real time stock quotes and charts on their sites.

Initial testing will begin in June. Publishers will be able to select any combination of quotes, charts and news. Up to ten companies can be included, and there are at least two options for customizing the chart.

I am not so interested. What do you think?

via TechCrunch

A new feature on Google Blog Search

Today a new feature was launched on that lets us narrow our search by date,i.e, by Last hour,by Last 12 hours,by Last day,by Past week and by Past month. You can also search by choosing start and end dates by yourself.

Using this feature, you can also track blog posts on your favorite topics according to when those items were posted. They have also incorporated some improvements in search quality that should make your blog-search experience even better.

I just used it, it’s a great feature for

via Google Blog

Get an account at without a blog

It has now become possible to get a account without getting a free WordPress blog. has updated the registration page

If you ask me, I say this is a good idea as it helps bloggers who want an API key for the Akismet plugin without getting a blog. You can also leave comments on blogs that require sign-in, without getting a blog for yourself.

This is useful for also as they can now save system resources on empty blogs :-D

12 Tips for increasing your Blogs Readers

If you are new to blogging or have very few readers to your blog ,then these tips are for you. But before I continue… I strongly recommend you to read all articles listed under Blogging on my Top Posts page , most of which are focussed on helping you gain more blog traffic.

Continue reading ‘12 Tips for increasing your Blogs Readers’

Server Problem

Today morning I received a mail saying that my blog was causing problems on the server and needed to be re-installed along with all plugins. It took me a few hours re-installing WordPress and downloading the latest updates of all plugins I use and then activating them.

Till then I had to revert to the default WordPress Theme. The server also had other problems and needed to be restarted often. So I was getting the ’site not accessible’ errors.

At the end of the day the faulty scripts were found and fixed. Everything looks fine now…sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Google Web Toolkit (Beta) : Making AJAX development easier

Google donates OpenSource software development tool with all the AJAX fun in it, makes creating AJAX applications much easier. With , you can develop and debug your own AJAX applications in Java code using the Java development tools of your choice. When you deploy your application to production, the GWT compiler simply translates your Java application to browser-compliant JavaScript and HTML.

Flickr Goes Gamma

Online photo sharing web service and community has made the leap from Beta to Gamma. New features include a majorly redesigned interface, a new Organizr and a Person menu. You can see what everyone is talking about on the .

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