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WP-UserOnline 2.04 released

WP-UserOnline is a WordPress Plugin that enables you to display the number of users online on your blog with detailed statistics like which page they are on and who there are.

The plugin also displays the bots online on your blog. Some of the currently supported bots are Google, MSN, Lycos, Ask Jeeves, Altavista, AllTheWeb, Inktomi, Technorati and Yahoo. You may also add more bots through the Options page.

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WP-PageNavi WordPress Plugin

WordPress by default handles large archives by adding a “back” and “forward” link to navigate through the different pages on your blog. WP-PageNavi is a WordPress Plugin that adds more advanced page navigation to WordPress. It does this by adding page number links to your different pages.

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Simple File Shredder

Simple File Shredder is a utility that securely deletes your files so they can’t be restored using recovery software.

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FreeUndelete Recovery Software

Very often we delete a file only to realize later on that the wrong file was deleted. There are many tools that help us recover deleted files but I would like to mention here a freeware. FreeUndelete is a freeware data recovery program for files accidentally deleted on a NTFS and FAT32 file systems.

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Google Error

I came across this Google Error today

Google error

Do you think I have spyware on my system?

The new Pagerank update has started?

Today a blog trackbacked this post on my blog. Upon visiting the blog I found that the author claims that the Pagerank Update has started!

The most exciting event in the webmaster world, that happens every 3-4 months has just begun!

The proof is here it’s showing a pr5.

See other threads about the update on Digital Point, SEOchat

I am not so sure that the PageRank update has begun, not because my blog has been stuck with PR 3 for several months now :-(

Anyways check your site’s PR with these tools and let me know

AdSense Referrals Channel

AdSense Channel helps us a lot in tracking the performance of our Adsense Ads. Now, Google AdSense added custom channel for AdSense referrals.

Adsense Referral
Now you will be able to find which refferal performs better :-)

If anyone of you is using Adsense Referrals, please let me know if it has helped you. I was thinking of putting some here ;)

via LiewCF and Problogger

WordPress Bug Hunt

The WordPress team is about to release the next version of WordPress- 2.0.4 and are making the call for bug hunters to test the new version.

From the WordPress blog-

Bug Independence Day is July 4th! To help shake the bugs out of the upcoming 2.0.4 and 2.1 releases, we’re holding a Bug Hunt next week. We’ll be finding and fixing bugs and cleaning up the bug tracker. All are welcome to join us in the #wordpress-bugs IRC channel as we go on the hunt. We’ll get things started at Midnight between Tuesday, July 4, 2006 and Wednesday, July 5, 2006 San Francisco time and keep going for 24 hours or until everyone gets tired. We’ll have folks keepng vigil at all hours so drop by at whatever time is convenient to you.

Lorelle has reported a few Bugs - Anonymous Trackbacks and Comments, Trouble with Future Posts

Too busy?

Why are people too busy these days?


AdSense Ad Positioning

As most of you might have noticed, I placed Adsense ads on this blog and have been experimenting to find out the best positions for the Ads. Some things I noticed are that the Ads on the footer and link units don’t get as much clicks as the ones below the post title.

Also placing random images next to the Ads really boosted the clicks. Currently I use tables to hold the images and Ads together. Some readers asked me how I had done this so I would like to share it here. The following example is for the 336×280 Adsense Ads.

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