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AdsBlackList v2 did not work for me

AdsBlacklistAdsBlackList version 1 was fine, but after using version 2 my AdSense revenue reduced down to 50% ! After removing all the URL’s, that AdsBlackList had generated for my site, from the AdSense Competitive Filter List, I now get the same earnings as I used to get before I used AdsBlackList v2 :)

Has your AdSense earnings improved after using AdsBlackList?

New Design

After a few days of work, I managed to finish designing the new theme and made it compatible in IE 6 this time. I have optimized it for AdSense and tried to make the theme fast loading too.

Admized WordPress Theme

I removed a few unnecessary images and also disabled Gravatars plugin as I noticed that most of the commenters did not have a Gravatar, and so it was just making the page load slow.

Continue reading ‘New Design’

Poll Results: Preference for Sidebars on a 3 Column Theme

Last week I had started a Poll on Preference for Sidebars on a 3 Column Theme. Thanks to all the 93 people who voted.

The option with the most votes (48) was together. 45 people voted for ‘on both sides’. This just means that there are an almost equal number of people who like having sidebars together and on both sides on a 3 Column Theme.

Continue reading ‘Poll Results: Preference for Sidebars on a 3 Column Theme’

Another IM Virus?

Today I got a PM from a friend on my Yahoo! Messenger buddy list with a link to an image. Since it was only an image and that too from a friend, I clicked the link and was taken to an error page. This was the PM -

Do you realize who is in this image: . Just think for a moment and tell me soon

About half an hour later I got another PM from him saying -

hey. i m in a cyber cafe. this machine is loaded wid viruses. so a bad picture has been sent to every1 on my frenz list! my due apologies.

This is the second IM Virus I came across this month :(

Continue reading ‘Another IM Virus?’

Video: Funny Cats

It’s fun to have a Cat ;)

RSS Readers: If you can’t see the video, click here.

2 Column Theme with 3 Column Footer

These days I find an increasing number of bloggers using 2 column themes with 3 or 4 column footer. They have used the footer to place links for Categories, Recent Entries,, Flickr, Blogroll, etc.

Seriously I feel placing links on the footer is big mistake as your readers may not notice them. How many readers do you think will scroll all the way down to notice them? Not all of them…that is why I have placed my links on the header.

Continue reading ‘2 Column Theme with 3 Column Footer’

How to Position AdSense Ads on a Blog

Google AdSense is the main source of income for several bloggers looking to earn money through blogging. However many earn less from it due to their poorly positioned Ads.

Here are some tips to improve your AdSense earnings by positioning your Ads well on your blog:

Continue reading ‘How to Position AdSense Ads on a Blog’

Encouraging Your First Time Commenters

Shawn Blanc from Fighting to Stay Awake had got his ‘quick tip’ submitted on today. It’s a simple tip that I used to do in my first few months of blogging -

When someone comments on your site for the first time, send them a thank-you email

Mailing your first time commenters really helps in building a loyal readership. Your readers will feel noticed and this can encourage them to come back to your blog and comment frequently.

Though this tip can be easy to apply on new blogs with few commenters, it will be hard to do so on blogs that get a lot of comments.

What do you say? Have you tried mailing your first time commenters with a ‘Thank you’? Did it help?

Macfox II 2.0.5 now available

My favorite Firefox theme, Macfox, has been updated and is now compatible with Firefox 2.0. There is also a Graphite version of Macfox available for download here.

macfox II continues offering the clean look of Mac OS X Firefox for your PC - includes Aqua-style UI elements and enhancements. Clean, professional and elegant. Redesigned from the ground up on the Firefox 2.* framework, macfox II preserves the new features found in the browser.

Macfox Firefox theme

Macfox Firefox theme

Download Macfox Firefox Theme

Good Reads - November 14, 2006

Copyright ©2005-2008 JohnTP, All rights reserved.