Click to view a random post, a popular blog that was started on October 2005, shares tips on blogging and making money online. The blog is one of the top blogs about blogging and receives 9000+ unique traffic per day with over 15,000+ pageviews. has a large reader base of bloggers looking to improve their blogs and make money online, so if you are trying to promote a product or website to bloggers and webmasters, this is the right place for you!

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This blog also has a large and growing subscriber base:

Feed Graph

Site Details

  • Over 9000+ unique traffic per day
  • Over 15,000+ pageviews per day
  • Over 3,000 RSS subscribers
  • Alexa Rank of around 18,000
  • Technorati Top 5k
  • One of the Top blogs about Blogging

Advertising Options

1. Header (468×60) [Price: $300] [Available]

Header Ad Spot

Description: This 468×60 ad is located on the top of every page (near logo) and is one the best spots to get maximum exposure to your website.

Price: $300 per month

Current Availability: Yes

Payment details: Email your 468×60 ad to johnpthomas278[at]gmail[dot]com, and PayPal $300 to the same Email address.

2. Below Post Title (300×250) [Price: $1500] [Available]

Post Ad Spot

Description: This 300×250 ad will be placed just below the post title of every page and is the best spot to get maximum exposure to your website.

Price: $1500 per month

Current Availability: Yes

Payment details: Email your 300×250 banner to johnpthomas278[at]gmail[dot]com and PayPal $1500 to the same Email address.

3. Sidebar (125×125) [Price: $200] [Available]

Sidebar Ad Spot

Description: Eight 125×125 ads will be placed above the fold on the sidebar

Price: $200 per month

Current Availability: Yes

Payment details: Email your 125×125 banner to johnpthomas278[at]gmail[dot]com and PayPal $200 to the same Email address.

4. End of Post (468×60) [Price: $100] [Sold out]

Below Post Ad Spot

Description: This 468×60 ad will be placed at the end of every post

Price: $100 per month

Current Availability: No

Payment details: Email your 468×60 banner to johnpthomas278[at]gmail[dot]com and PayPal $100 to the same Email address.

5. Text links in RSS Feed [Price: $50 per link] [Available]

Description: Text links in RSS Feed will be placed just below the post

Price: $50 per link per month

Current Availability: Yes

Payment details: PayPal $50 to johnpthomas278[at]gmail[dot]com

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