Banned on Digg


I noticed some days back that was banned on Digg, but first thought that it was a temporary thing. But it seems that this blog is really banned on Digg.

banned on Digg

But for what? I have not submitted any post from this blog for maybe more than a year.

What I think happened is that someone submitted my post on Socialelves (my opinion on a pay per Digg site) to Digg which might have pissed off some Diggers and they then buried the story :(

I have not contacted Digg yet because I don’t think that would be of any use. Once a site’s stories gets buried a number of times it gets banned automatically.

Its sad that a site can get banned on Digg because of someone else. Its time someone bought Digg from Mr.Kevin Rose or made a better Digg!

Has your site ever been banned on Digg? Have you got it unbanned?

Update: just contacted Digg Team and waiting for reply.

Update 2: Just got a reply from Digg Team. As expected they are not going to unban this site

Thanks for taking the time to contact us at regarding your website.

As you know, Digg is a community-driven website – our community has consistently reported the domain to which you refer as spam.

From our FAQ (

Does Digg differentiate between spam and spamming?
Spam is very subjective. Many times, the spammer honestly doesn’t think they are spammers, so we generally leave that up to the Digg community to decide with the report/bury feature. We may delete users who blatantly and consistently submit obvious spam. Additionally, comment spam is against our TOS and will result in an account ban or deletion, depending on the severity. Submission spamming is different because it may be quality content but the submitter is “spamming” every story from their blog/site. While we welcome users to submit their own content, overdoing it often incites the users to mark the user as a spammer, the site as a spam site, and otherwise decent content as blogspam. We recommend considering this before you engage in this activity. Remember, if domains are consistently buried and reported as spam, the site may be banned.

Because unblocking your domain would not be in line with the best interests of the larger Digg community, we will not reverse this decision.

For more information, please see and

Thank you,

-Digg Support


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27 responses so far, Leave a comment

  1. 1


    August 13, 2008 at 11:34 am

    I think your write-up on that paid Digg site caused this. Was that a sponsored review?

  2. 2


    August 13, 2008 at 11:51 am

    Nirmal – It was not a sponsored review, it was just my opinion on it.

  3. 3


    August 13, 2008 at 12:38 pm

    May be Digg users didnt like that concept, not sure though, just my thought

  4. 4


    August 13, 2008 at 12:39 pm

    Anyways since you are not using Digg for long time, I dont think it will cause any problems for you, for traffic else there is stumble Upon. :)

  5. 5


    August 13, 2008 at 12:55 pm

    But I still wish I weren’t banned on Digg :(

  6. 6

    Anil Gupta

    August 13, 2008 at 8:20 pm

    I would suggest you to contact Digg people in this regard.

  7. 7


    August 14, 2008 at 5:50 am

    That is too bad. You don’t have influence like problogger that was banned from stumbleupon. He blogged about it and within 24hrs, his account was reactivated.

  8. 8


    August 14, 2008 at 6:24 pm

    Yes, JohnTP dot com was banned on digg, but you are not the only one, quite a lot great blogs were banned on digg , there must be something wrong in the system of digg, damn it!

  9. 9


    August 14, 2008 at 10:58 pm

    Why not write in to them and ask them the reason for the same.

  10. 10

    Khalid Saleh

    August 15, 2008 at 3:07 am

    We just got banned from Digg as well. I sort of expected it after publishing “Breaking the Digg Code.” I just wrote about this today:

    The posts talks also about an interview I did with a top Digg user where he revealed a lot of the truths and secrets that take place in Digg. I had planed on publishing it next week but the amount of hate mail I received today is making me rethink my decision.

  11. 11


    August 15, 2008 at 8:13 am

    Anil Gupta and Ajay – ok, I will contact Digg

    Khalid Saleh – Welcome to the ‘Banned on Digg’ group :(

  12. 12


    August 16, 2008 at 7:38 pm

    You haven’t submitted any post for more than a year but your blog keep getting more and more traffic. Why bother? My best guess is somebody else submitted some of your posts repetitively.

    On the other note, I guess it’s been a while you haven’t write anything. It’s good to see you come back.

  13. 13


    August 16, 2008 at 8:01 pm

    bloggeries – Yes, I too feel I was banned because some people were submitting my posts to Digg and the diggers were marking them as spam. After many posts were marked spam, the site got automatically banned :(

    Its sad that anyone can make any site banned on Digg easily this way :(

  14. 14


    August 18, 2008 at 6:29 am

    I think it’s a shame that Digg users can get a site banned. Especially a site as informative as this! What a waste – and there are probably some truly spammy sites that are still allowed on Digg.

    Oh well, there are other fish in the sea!

    Enjoyed the post

  15. 15

    David Bradley

    August 20, 2008 at 1:47 am

    Other bloggers have been banned by web 2.0 sites, search for their tactics, then rally the troops and contact the owners, you’re a big enough site to matter, and if you were banned for something beyond your control then they should reinstate you. Otherwise, forget about it and move your attention to Yahoo! Buzz instead.

  16. 16

    Make Money Online From your Home

    August 21, 2008 at 6:08 pm

    If you were banned because somebody else posted your review and other Digg users buried your story. Then i suppose digg is being true to itself and letting the readers decide. Which in theory should make more a more unbiased site however Digg users are biased about using Digg so they buried your story.

    Open a new digg account and start again – Concentrate on the posetives and do not be negative about sites.

    Also if you posted a negative review of digg and were using that review to promote something I can see how digg would treat it as spam.

  17. 17


    August 22, 2008 at 1:38 am

    Domains usually get banned on Digg just because of people burring the stories so often, what might have happened is someone submitting your stories so often and that again might have pissed of some users. I have seen you are advertising ‘Social Elves’, what they say is that they don`y pay people for digging stories, I had at look at that website and looks pretty weird. No one is going to promote a story on Digg just for the fun of doing it, for example I only submit great content, that people would enjoy, because I have alrady gone through some banned domains, so this is not a new experience to me. Social Elves either have what users often call ‘A Digg Army’ which is a really strong group of users that actually get paid for submitting and getting stories popular, either they contact some of the Digg`s top users to help them promote stories, and the users get paid. I go for the first one more. If anyone will take a look at the Social Elves website, you notice a submission costs 300$, which is not cheap at all. It depends on the type of a website to convert that kind of money if it really hits the front page. I would be curios who has been using their service yet, and how come they don`t get noticed. As a conclusion, because I am one of Digg`s most active users, I have to say one more thing, Digg is still gamed, and gamed well enough, this won`t stop soon. Sorry to hear that this domain has been banned and try to mail them again.

  18. 18


    August 27, 2008 at 6:32 am

    I finally accepted that Digg is not a so democratic platform and the traffic you will get doesn’t depend solely on the quality but how many effective diggers you know there, actively commenting, posting pages from other sites as well. Just give up as I did months ago posting there articles. Digg is not also a suitable website for our niche.

    It is also quite possible that someone can easily ruin a website or business for short or long periods doing spammy acts. So look forward :)

  19. 19

    Brad - Personal Blog Tips And Blog Help

    August 27, 2008 at 9:12 am

    That sucks dude. Have you been on the front page before? If not, then are you REALLY going to miss out on anything??

    Cool blog though.. I subscribed – Thats something DIGG will never do. (Lame.. I know) :)

  20. 20


    August 31, 2008 at 12:17 am

    is’s very interesting. Digg is going against all blogs

  21. 21


    September 7, 2008 at 8:37 pm

    oh its really bad! i too is banned(there are many blogging without not reason banned) in digg and i mailed them but they simple replied with the mail which you got :D hehehe i asked many but no one knows the way to get back! :(

  22. 22

    Sharon Murphy

    October 27, 2008 at 2:17 am

    Digg’s refusal to have more of a human interaction with its users is one of the many reasons why I do not use that site.

  23. 23


    November 12, 2008 at 4:57 pm

    I can imagine how strange this is. It happend same with me on bidvertiser. Without really a reason I came kicked. I still prefer Adsense and its working good with me.
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  24. 24


    November 19, 2008 at 6:00 am

    my site was banned as well because they thought my submissions were spam….

  25. 25


    November 24, 2008 at 9:34 pm

    i was also banned in digg before. its so sad because it was my only source of traffic.

  26. 26

    Free Wordpress themes

    January 1, 2009 at 11:39 pm

    one of my site also got banned. not sure why. I haven’t submitted any of my articles there.

    I think … may be someone who competes you did this spamming in digg and which caused you ban …

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