Chitika’s Related Product Unit (RPU) Is Now Open To All


Chitika’s Related Product Unit (RPU) which when targeted to the post title can be used to display a list of related products matching the page content. You can also customize the RPU to match the exact look and feel of your website and make it look less like an ad. 

Chitika RPU was earlier available only to select number of publishers for testing purposes but is now open to all.

I tried it on my hardware blog and it more than doubled my earnings! If you own a product related blog, make sure to try it out. Also remember that it works best when placed right at the end of your blog post.

To get the RPU code, just login if you are a Chitika publisher and you will see a “RPU Code” tab. Here you can choose your RPU unit size, colors, product category and set channel tracking.

Here’s an example of how it looks like:


If you are not a Chitika publisher, you can apply here.


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1 response so far, Leave a comment

  1. 1

    According to Kieli

    June 25, 2008 at 1:22 am

    Well it’s about time! I have been sick and tired of all those Chitika mini-malls full of iPod’s, digital camera’s, and monitors that I could just puke! That was always my biggest beef with them, the fact that the content was nearly never relevant to the posts they were plastered on.

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