Favorite Articles: November 2007


These are my favorite posts of last month:

  • WordPress Plugin: Feed Count - Feed Count is a WordPress Plugin that displays the number of subscribers to your feedburner feed in plain text. The plugin allows you to customize the feed count with CSS and I am sure those who don’t like the FeedBurner chicklet will like this plugin.
  • Get New Readers For Your Blog By Guest Blogging - Have you fed your new blog with many quality posts and yet find that your blog is not read by others? Content is surely king but it isn’t enough to increase your blog subscribers. People need to know that your blog exists and for that you need to promote your blog. There are many ways to promote your blog but one of the best way is to guest blog on popular blogs in your niche.
  • Write A To-Post List For Your Blog - Have you ever been in a situation where you have an idea for a post but then later you don’t remember it when you want to write the post? To prevent this from happening again, create a text file named ‘topost.txt’ on your desktop and whenever you get an idea for a post open the text file and write down a rough title for the post and describe the content of the post in a few words.
  • Increase Your Blog’s Subscribers By Offering Email Subscription - As there are still many people who do not know what RSS is, offering an Email Subscription form on your blog is a good way to get those people to subscribe. For those who have not done it yet, this post tells you how to do it.
  • Give All Your Advertisers Even Exposure - Got Banners is a WordPress Plugin that lets you randomize banners like you see on TechCrunch and John Chow’s blog. Unlike other banner rotators, Got Banners displays all the banners provided simultaneously. But, in a different random order each time.
  • Use Images To Get Your Best Posts Noticed By Your Visitors - Many of us link to our blog’s most popular posts in the sidebar or in a separate page to show visitors that our blog is worth reading. But how many visitors do you think will notice these text links on your sidebar? The best way to draw your visitors attention to your best posts is to replace the text links with images.
  • Another Way To Draw Attention To Your Best Posts - If you have too many posts that you want your new visitors to check out, either create many images and rotate them or list out the text links in an organized way like you see on Problogger and FreelanceSwitch.
  • 12 Reasons Why I Like Windows Live Writer - Using a desktop blog editor saves you a lot of time and makes blogging easier. There are many desktop blog editors available like Windows Live Writer (WLW), Ecto and Qumana. Being a Windows lover, I use Microsoft’s Windows Live Writer. This post lists the reasons why I like it.
  • 16 Things To Do After Starting A New WordPress Blog -  If you just started a new WordPress blog, here’s a list of things you must do.

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3 responses so far, Leave a comment

  1. 1

    Abhijeet Mukherjee

    December 1, 2007 at 4:15 pm

    John…I think the 16 Things To Do After Starting A New WordPress Blog and Get New Readers For Your Blog By Guest Blogging are the best and the most innovative

  2. 2


    December 1, 2007 at 8:41 pm

    Thank you Abhijeet

  3. 3


    December 7, 2007 at 7:02 pm

    Thanks for remind us John

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