Get More Readers For Your Blog With BlogRush


BlogRushA new free service called BlogRush has been recently launched to help bloggers get more traffic for their blog from other relevant blogs. This is made possible with a widget that should be placed on your blog.

Once placed on your blog the widget will display 5 blog post titles from other related blogs based on the category you selected while signing up with their service. You don’t have to worry about visitors leaving your blog as clicking the post titles will load the post in a new window.

Here’s how the widget looks like:

BlogRush Widget

How BlogRush Works

Each time any of your page loads the widget displays a new set of links and you earn what they call “syndication credits”…that is the right to get one of your blog post titles loaded inside the widget on other related blogs.

So if your blog gets 500 pageviews a day, you will have one of your post titles displayed on other blogs in your category 500 times a day! Now I would like to see my post titles being shown on other related blogs 14,000 times a day as thats the current daily pageviews of this blog.

BlogRush also offers you a referral link after signing up so that you can use it to get other bloggers to signup for the service and in turn earn credits and increase your blog traffic.

You also get credit when a blogger signs up for the service after clicking the ‘Add your blog posts free’ or the BlogRush logo on your widget.

The interesting part is that you will get your blog post titles displayed on related blogs even when pages containing the widget loads on your referrals blog! So just imagine the amount of traffic you can get if you refer a blogger with a high traffic blog…say with 10,000 pageviews a day, you will then get your post title displayed an additional 10,000 times a day more on other related blogs!

It does not stop here, you will get exposure to your blog for all the people your referrals refer down to 10 levels. The more referrals you have and your referrals have, the more traffic you get.

Also do note that BlogRush is currently only for blogs written in English. There is also a video on the BlogRush homepage that explains well on what their service is all about and how it works.

Will BlogRush help us increase Blog traffic?

While all this sounds interesting, I doubt on the traffic we will get as most of the bloggers I believe will place the widget way down on their sidebars where only a few readers will notice.

Also is it safe to use BlogRush with AdSense on our blogs as you know they hate traffic exchange programs. Anyways I decided to try out BlogRush for maybe a week or two.

Signup for BlogRush.


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19 responses so far, Leave a comment

  1. 1


    September 16, 2007 at 2:06 pm

    This is a nice idea. I will give it a try. By the way, I have started a link love campaign. Free links for everyone:

  2. 2

    Dean @ Technical Itch

    September 16, 2007 at 3:26 pm

    Let us know how you get on with this. Perhaps you can report back in a few weeks letting us know. Thanks.

  3. 3


    September 16, 2007 at 4:01 pm

    This widget is not customizable. It will ruin the blog’s design.

  4. 4


    September 16, 2007 at 8:14 pm

    Not if it fits in :twisted:

  5. 5

    Madhur Kapoor

    September 16, 2007 at 9:53 pm

    This thing is getting viral , i think i will give it a try if the widget integrates with my blog theme

  6. 6


    September 17, 2007 at 3:32 am

    Thanks for this new website. I will put that in my books of things to try…

  7. 7

    abhishek bhatnagar

    September 17, 2007 at 8:33 pm

    well i have sign up for it…lets see how it goes as many bloggers have already applied the widget on their blogs already…and many of them have also written a post on it…including you.Now i thnk i will definitely become helpful to all.

  8. 8


    September 18, 2007 at 6:03 am

    Wow… This is a nice idea. Do you think this is somewhat difference from placing Google news in your blog?

  9. 9

    Srinivasa Ramanujam

    September 18, 2007 at 11:29 am

    Kool widget to benefit both the reader as well as the blogger.

  10. 10

    Mahesh Mohan

    September 19, 2007 at 3:19 am

    Do they accept all sites?

  11. 11


    September 20, 2007 at 11:36 am

    Cooooool widget, I think I am should also give it a try.

  12. 12


    September 21, 2007 at 8:57 am

    did it help?

  13. 13


    September 21, 2007 at 5:01 pm

    Mahesh - They accept only blogs. And soon they will switch to manual review process to filter out all type of bad blogs which are abusing the system.

    For me, I think Blogrush will only benefit big bloggers like JohnTP. :lol: For small bloggers like me, I have just received negative credits. oops. When a blogger like Darren Rowse got only 35 clicks from over 10,000 impressions, I wonder how much small bloggers will get.

  14. 14


    September 21, 2007 at 5:55 pm

    I got only 20 clicks from 14,000+ pageviews :(

    But it seems BlogRush is working on it, they have put up this message on the dashboard:

    Click- through rates are very low right now due to problems with some users cheating the system. We are a few days away from removing all abuse from the system and you will see your click-rates increase. We are also moving to a Manual Review Process for all member blogs which will also increase the traffic you receive. Thank you for your patience — we’re working hard to improve this beta version of our service.

    hopefully the CTR will increase soon.

  15. 15

    Srinivasa K. Ramanujam

    October 11, 2007 at 7:13 pm

    Blogrush FAQ says it does not violates Adsense TOS. Google is yet to announce openly if it violates or not! I think blogrush is correct. Any second thoughts?

  16. 16


    October 15, 2007 at 6:51 pm

    I recently developed a free wordpress plugin called “BlogRush Click Maximizer”. By using it you can vastly improve your Click Through Rate.

    This allows you to control what you want to display in BlogRush. You can even write alternate - short and catchy title just for BlogRush.

    You will have total control of what appears over the BlogRush Network.

    Check it out here:

  17. 17

    October 16, 2007 at 8:27 pm

    i tried to sign up but its asking me the feed URL, and i yet havnt signed up for any RSS feed service. I will surely sign up for blogrush, after they delete the span blogs, i feel its a good option..

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