How To Enable Hidden Boot Screen in Windows Vista


The default boot screen of Windows Vista is a black screen containing just a progress bar and the text “Microsoft Corporation”. Those of you who are tired of this boring default look of the Windows Vista Boot Screen, can enable the hidden boot screen.

Windows Vista Default Boot Screen

Windows Vista Default Boot Screen

Aurora Boot Screen

Aurora Boot Screen

Here is how you can enable the Aurora Boot Screen in Windows Vista:

  1. click on the start orb and type in “MSCONFIG” in the searchbox and press Enter
  2. once the System Configuration tool loads, click on the Boot tab
  3. under Boot Options check “No GUI boot”
  4. click apply and then OK and restart your computer to see the new boot screen.

found via LyteByte


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15 responses so far, Leave a comment

  1. 1

    Madhur Kapoor

    April 20, 2007 at 6:02 pm

    Why did Micorsoft decide to hide it . It was much better than the default one .

  2. 2


    April 20, 2007 at 8:37 pm

    man, Microsoft is weird.

  3. 3


    April 21, 2007 at 1:39 am

    I think Microsoft likes to play treasure hunt with their customers :)

  4. 4


    April 21, 2007 at 3:26 am

    Why would Microsoft hide features like this?

  5. 5

    Madhur Kapoor

    April 21, 2007 at 12:03 pm

    But these “Hidden things” gives us something to blog about .

  6. 6

    Blain Reinkensmeyer

    April 24, 2007 at 9:32 am

    This is good, I like this :)

  7. 7


    April 24, 2007 at 9:52 am

    Actually my PC loads Vista very fast so I see only this for a few seconds… :-D but by sometimes that blank boot screen does get annoying…

  8. 8


    April 25, 2007 at 9:56 pm

    I have tried on Notebook of my GF. She loves it :)

  9. 9


    November 23, 2007 at 7:44 pm

    Cool man! this is a great stuff ! why was this also hiddenn……..

  10. 10


    December 5, 2007 at 9:58 am

    I’m confused why Microsoft makes some of the choices that they do. With all of the Aero hype and new style press notably trying to look as good as the Mac I wonder why they’d leave the boot screen black with just a progress bar. Anyway, great tip.

  11. 11


    December 20, 2007 at 10:30 pm

    This is a cool tip, but why did microsoft hide it, it should be deafault. They need to make the Areo scheme less memory consuming as well as deafault this.

  12. 12


    May 16, 2008 at 8:01 am

    I like the boot screen, but in SP1 microsoft changed it. :(

  13. 13


    May 18, 2008 at 11:05 pm

    can we replace it with any other picture ?

  14. 14


    June 6, 2008 at 6:30 am

    I am afraid to try it because my computer is wierd it gives me BSoDs some times so messin with the config is not my thing

  15. 15


    July 22, 2008 at 4:34 pm

    cool… i even tried changing the boot screen with a software tht worked in xp… but it dint work… vista is wierd… hope this works… that blank screen is so boring. . .

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