Future Of Wi-Max And Its Implementation


wi-max-impl.JPGImplementing Wi-Max is a tricky thing as it relates to sending signals in air which is open door for hackers intercepting them. But the good news is Wi-Max runs on licensed bandwidth or frequency, thus is more secure. Yesterday we talked about Wi-Max basics and I posted an image at the end so you could clearly understand how it works. I promised to explain it deeply so here is the brief narration of how it works.

Implementing Wi-Max

The bandwidth and reach of Wi-Max make it suitable for application like connecting Wi-Fi hotspots, wireless broadband support, high speed mobile data transfer and 4G.

The important components needed are:

  • Base Station: These are spots which provides you wireless connectivity, like satellites which relay signal back and forth. Together they form WI-Max network.
  • WI-Max Hub: These are core base station from where everything is sent to base stations. This does the same what any server in network does, acts as a source or brain of the network.
  • Access Points (not in image): These are optonal some where but are used mainly when you have more than 3-4 wireless gadgets requiring to access Wi-Max network. Say in your home if you have 4 laptops who want to connect to internet , use access point simple.
  • Wi-Max enabled Devices: Ofcourse this is what we use, laptops, mobiles Wi-Fi hotspots and others. They all connect to access points to get to internet.

Take a look at the image again and you will understand clearly about how Wi-Max works.


The Future Ahead

As IT industry and countries are recognizing the potential of Wi-Max, the technology has promising future both in terms of cost effectiveness and benefits to consumers. There are few issues still to be resolved like spectrum allocation (as signals have no country boundary so every country has to work on some range of signal, like every state has boundary, every Wi-Max country needs a defined boundary for Wi-Max also). Wi-Max also needs to be combined with technologies like Wi-Fi, bluetooth and others. Let us hope it gives the best to us.

I hope you enjoyed the mini series on Wi-Max. Feel free to ask me any doubts.

This post has been submitted by Ashish Mohta from Technospot.net.


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5 responses so far, Leave a comment

  1. 1


    April 12, 2007 at 8:34 pm

    wimax will either create an explosion like wireless or it will die out.

  2. 2

    Ashish Mohta

    April 12, 2007 at 8:40 pm

    :It Might not dies out but the boom wont be that big. There already technology ready as alternatives. We might have to just wait and watch to see which technology suits in which country

  3. 3

    Muhammmad Bilal Akram

    April 23, 2008 at 10:04 am

    well nice to see the artical of wimax.So near future in Pakistan this Services already Lunched. so Jack can you have any kind of Material And documnetion then kindly forward to me because i also go ahead with this Technalogy.And i think in Soon Wimax is the Latest Technalogy of the World who boom the Not Only Internet as well as GSM services.

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