Get a FREE Site Wide Link on (Update)


At the beginning of March, I had offered a FREE site wide link on this site for a month to anyone who signs up for Text Link Ads using my affiliate link.

I got a few people letting me know through comments and emails that they signed up using my TLA affiliate link, but so far TLA has not shown any of their names on my Referrals list.

I did a get a few referrals but all of them were advertisers who were referred by my Text Link Ads Review post (who probably found the post via ).

So why did their names not show up? It could be probably because they did not install the advertising script on their site for seven days.

In order to qualify for an affiliate payment, a referred publisher must install the advertising script on their site for seven days. At this time the referral will appear in the affiliate’s account.

If an affiliate refers an advertiser who purchases an advertisement, the referral will appear in the affiliate account within 24 hours.

So those of you who signed up for Text Link Ads using my affiliate link, install the advertising script on your site for seven days if you are interested in getting a free site wide link on this site for a month.

One month is too less?

Sodhi commented on the other post that a one month link is too less and that this is not a good offer.

Well, a link on this PR 6 site costs $160 for a month currently and if you can get the link for free, its a big deal! All I get in return is $25. You can sign up using my TLA affiliate link if you are interested.

What if you have already signed up for Text Link Ads?

Sreejith had asked on the other post…

John, what if I already have an account ? Would this offer be there if I compel some other guy to sign up ?

Well, yes. If you have already signed up for TLA, you can try getting someone else to sign up using my affiliate link.

In that case, I will link you both for a month :)

What if you get more than one person to sign up?

In that case, I will link you 1 month per person. If you get 2 people to sign up using my affiliate link, I will link you for 2 months and the person you refer gets a 1 month link.

If you get 3 people to sign up using my affiliate link, I will link you for 3 months and so on.

If your site is new

If your site is too new to get accepted my Text Link Ads, you can wait till your site qualifies or get someone else to signup. This offer may run for a long time, so just contact me and I will let you know if the offer is still up.

After signing up

After signing up or getting other people to sign up, please contact me and let me know your name by which your signed up with TLA, or the name of your referred person. And don’t forget to install the advertising script on your site for seven days :)

Signup using my affiliate link and get 1 month FREE site wide link


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12 responses so far, Leave a comment

  1. 1


    March 31, 2007 at 11:20 pm

    My guess is that your referrals signed up using the TLA affiliate link, but their sites did not qualify as well, therefore there was no way that they could put the script on their site at all.

  2. 2

    Jayson Joseph

    April 1, 2007 at 10:02 pm

    Hey John, I guess you will soon overtake John Chow as the “most evil blogger”.

    Anyway, all the best!


  3. 3


    April 1, 2007 at 10:36 pm

    lyndonmaxewell- it could be possible

    Jayson Joseph- The evil side of me finally woke up ;)

  4. 4

    Garry Conn

    April 1, 2007 at 10:39 pm


    Sounds like a great deal really. Also TLA has been a pretty good program for me. Big contender with Adsense on a standpoint of how much money I make using each.

  5. 5


    April 2, 2007 at 2:51 am

    This deal is good. In 2-3 months from now when my blog will be old enough i will surely be in.

    Thanks John!

  6. 6


    April 2, 2007 at 4:21 pm

    Too bad, I’m already signed up for TLA.

  7. 7


    April 2, 2007 at 6:13 pm

    Referring referrals for double the link length? Quite a pyramid scheme you’re building there John ;)

  8. 8

    Ryan J. Parker

    April 3, 2007 at 7:13 am

    What a pain! If you refer someone and it takes them a month to get going then you should still get paid.

  9. 9

    Ashish Mohta

    April 3, 2007 at 8:44 am

    John what if I am an advertiser and I used your offer instead of TLA…..Guess U will be loosing 135$ Straight

  10. 10


    April 9, 2007 at 12:33 am

    im already sighned up….bummer

  11. 11


    June 19, 2007 at 3:52 pm

    Are you brother of john chow……..

  12. 12

    Webmaster Money

    July 23, 2007 at 1:18 pm

    That is a good idea how to get more people into TLA.

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