New Appearance for Vizu Polls


Recently the appearance of Vizu Polls changed to what I would say is better than the old one. Everton does not seem to be pleased with the new look as he could earlier blend the polls more to match the look and feel of his site. The poll borders and the gradient in the new appearance cannot be removed.

Old Appearance

New Appearance

Vizu now also offers pre-defined color templates to match the color scheme of your pages.

Vizu Templates

This is the response Everton got from Vizu when he asked why they had changed the appearance

We are sorry that the shaded background of our new polls does not match you site in the same way that our previous ones did. The re-design and update was done as a way for us to improve the response rate of our polls. Increasing the response rate of our polls will be a benefit to our Publishers because we will be able to raise the CPM rates which we charge to Clients.Another note on our new polls - they take up about 20% less vertical space vs. our earlier version.

The Vizu Team

When I first saw the Vizu Polls with the new appearance on Everton’s blog it quickly caught my attention, which is a good thing. The more attractive the Poll is the more votes it will get and the high vote-rates make your site much more attractive to clients and therefore increases the amount of revenue your zone can generate.

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9 responses so far,

  1. 1


    March 15, 2007 at 1:38 am

    I can see why he preferred the old method. The new ones stand out and certainly don’t blend. I guess that makes it less deceptive, but really looks like an ad now.

    Does that really make sense that the new visual style of the polls improves the response rate?

  2. 2


    March 15, 2007 at 5:27 am

    This is a touchy subject from both sides, but I agree with Everton in that the website should have the ability to choose. If you want a lower rate for the less noticable format then you should have that option.

    Although I’m no artist, I’m OCD enough to where everything on my sites has to fit in such a way that makes me happy… so I’d like to have that option.

    I don’t use the service, so take from this response what you want. :D

  3. 3


    March 15, 2007 at 8:04 pm

    The main purpose for advertisers to even want to advertise is for their ads to be visible. I guess being more visible is one issue that they are looking at, and getting their monies worth.

  4. 4

    Ashish Mohta

    March 15, 2007 at 9:11 pm

    I like it.I don’t find a point a blending it with the blog.Its a poll more it looks different better poll hits you will get and with this new feature it should increase.

  5. 5


    March 16, 2007 at 1:16 am

    Time will tell I guess. I’d be interested to hear if he’s been seeing any differences in click rates so far.

  6. 6


    March 16, 2007 at 1:20 am

    Actually, now that I took a moment and checked out the Vizu poll on this site it’s really not too bad looking. John was still able to blend it nicely within the new requirements.

  7. 7

    Lucas McDonnell

    March 16, 2007 at 1:51 am

    I haven’t used Vizu polls before, but I’m thinking of adding a poll to my site. I’ll sign up and take a look at what they’ve got offer…

  8. 8


    March 19, 2007 at 4:52 pm

    I recently tried to install it and had some troubles, but I was trying with the previous version.

  9. 9


    March 19, 2007 at 9:19 pm

    I haven’t used Vizu polls yet, maybe some time. But is it compatible with blog under blogger?

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