Google Now Started Reporting Subscribers


Google recently announced that it will begin reporting the number of subscribers any RSS feed has through and . Hence on February 17th, publishers noticed an increase in their feed count. This is great news as you can now have a better idea of what your actual feed counts are.

My Feed readers jumped from 500+ to 800+ and I am really happy about it and wish to further increase it to 1000+

Old Feed Stats

New Feed Stats

As you can see, 28% of my feed readers use Google Reader or Google Personalized Homepage. Previously most of my feed readers were using Bloglines until I had put up a FeedBlitz Email form on my sidebar. It also looks like Google Reader is the most popular online reader at present.

Is the majority of your feed readers using Google Reader too?


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5 responses so far,

  1. 1

    Dosh Dosh

    February 18, 2007 at 6:59 pm

    Yup.. Google Reader has the biggest share of my readers.. saw a 32% increase.

    Tech Crunch saw an increase of 100,000 subscribers .. which is around 60% of their original subscribers!

    Really shows you how Google is dominating the market share in the feed business.. :)

  2. 2

    David Bradley

    February 19, 2007 at 11:58 pm

    My feed jumped, but not quite so high as when a post recently got “StumbledUpon”, still hovering around the 2000 subscribers mark and hoping to double that by year end. I’ll let you know whether that happens or not. I certainly got a boost when the Snarfer news aggregator picked my feed as its top science newsfeed, a fellow blogger also recently described my site as a one-man newscientist, which added a couple more subscribers ;-)


  3. 3


    February 20, 2007 at 12:15 am

    Yeah… many people use google reader… including me :-)

  4. 4


    February 28, 2007 at 11:59 pm

    This is wonderful to discover, because so many people get discouraged by looking at their low numbers when actually they are higher.

    Also as an encouraging word to new bloggers… even if your numbers are low, this doesn’t reflect the total amount of people that read what you write… always check your stats, Google Analytics is good, and actually the fun and exciting MyBlogLog has a great stats program too!


    Do you think you could do a write up on the best traffic analysis programs for us…

    This triggers an idea and I would love to make sure I am using the best traffic analysis stats available.

  5. 5

    Ashish Mohta

    March 2, 2007 at 8:09 am

    I am gonna email them and ask if they count myyahoo.I have readers from there but doesnt show up anytime.

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