How To Prevent Your URL From Getting Banned On Digg


Neil Patel has given a few tips on how not to get your URL banned from Digg. He states that some of the things that the Digg community considers as Spam are

* Old news
* Repeated stories that keep on getting submitted, such as “iPod Spoof Commercials”.
* Stories that provide basic information such as “How To Increase Your Blog Traffic”. Although many of these types of stories hit the Digg front page, a lot of diggers hate them and are making noise about them by marking them as spam, or even emailing the Digg staff.
* Stories submitted by website owners.

I would also like to add that I have noticed most of the Diggers hate blogs and often mark stories from them as Spam without even reading it. Even aaaz, currently Top 3 Digg user, had told me about this once -

1. Digg bans lot of blogs as splogs so be careful

2. Digg users may report your posts as Spam for fun as Digg has bad crowd

Also, read the tips from a Top Digg user on how to get to the Frontpage.

Do you agree with me that most Diggers hate blogs and often comment and mark stories from them as Spam?


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12 responses so far,

  1. 1

    Cory O'Brien

    November 27, 2006 at 3:15 pm

    Not that I intend on having this happen anytime soon, but how would you know if your blog was banned?

  2. 2


    November 27, 2006 at 3:27 pm

    When you try to submit a story from a banned URL, messages like these will be shown -

    url is on the banned submit list

    This URL has been reported as a news middle-man, it will remain blocked for 0 days

  3. 3

    Stefan Julius

    November 27, 2006 at 8:03 pm

    Hello John interesting article, but too late for me since yesterday they have banned me.

    With this message:

    This URL has been reported by users and cannot be submitted at this time.

    Very interesting for me is now how to become unspam or undigg from the ban list.

    Also I want to say I am sorry and I have removed the article about your side because I know now why your ads has shown with the stripes at my opera browser, dunno if u have seen the pic which I have posted.

    It is because you have used CrazyEgg and opera has some problems with javascript.

  4. 4


    November 27, 2006 at 9:12 pm

    Stefan Julius- I just viewed my site in Opera and it does not show any stripes on my AdSense Ads.

    Does anyone else see my AdSense Ads with Stripes?

  5. 5

    Stefan Julius

    November 27, 2006 at 9:20 pm

    It could be that only I have the problem, because most of the users are using Windows but me I am using Opera Linux, I have installed the Javascript from CrazyEgg and I have the same lines above my Adsense Links but they are white.

    It is also a special Opera Linux Problem.

  6. 6

    Tech Blog

    November 27, 2006 at 9:25 pm

    I’m banned from Digg for utterly no reason. If you’re a small site and you’re on FP enough times, eventually it collects enough spam marks to get booted. It’s such bullshit, and Digg is a piece of shit IMO.

  7. 7

    Cory O'Brien

    November 28, 2006 at 12:05 am

    I see this as an untapped market for a site similar to Digg but for blogs. Maybe even a blog section in Digg. Does anyone know of a service like that?

  8. 8

    Robert Irizarry

    November 30, 2006 at 8:21 am

    BTW - The same type of problem exists with Reddit. I’m with Cory O’Brien - is there something similar for blogs? I haven’t come across anything yet…

  9. 9

    Ajay D'Souza

    November 30, 2006 at 7:00 pm

    Digg has never worked for me. My visits don’t come from Digg. Though I do at times digg my posts, since not many visits come from there, I don’t really care much…

  10. 10

    doug (dougs travels)

    December 3, 2006 at 4:11 am

    I’ve tried Digg and Reddit. I don’t think my travel stories website has a bit appeal to the technology-oriented crowd at Digg. And I did question my own self-serving promotional motives at Digging myself! Still, it was an experiment. I’ve not been banned yet … but I’m not sure that Digg is worth the effort for me. On the other hand, adding comments to up-and-coming stories might be helpful. Anyhow, you could spend all day on Digg - I really have better things to do. I have found interesting stories on Digg though, so it has it’s place.

    I also posted a story on Reddit. I had a good story title, so I got a lot of visits, but one vote at most. Again, probably a combination of obvious self-promotion, and pitching to the wrong crowd.

    Perhaps Digg for bloggers is a good idea (it could be called “Bigg”).

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