Poll Results: Preference for Sidebars on a 3 Column Theme


Last week I had started a Poll on Preference for Sidebars on a 3 Column Theme. Thanks to all the 93 people who voted.

The option with the most votes (48) was together. 45 people voted for ‘on both sides’. This just means that there are an almost equal number of people who like having sidebars together and on both sides on a 3 Column Theme.

In the first few days of the Poll, the option ‘on both sides’ had more or equal votes all the time. Somehow in the last 2 days, most people voted for ‘together’. Anyways, 45 and 48 is not much of a difference.

So it does not really matter even if I go for sidebars on both sides in my new design :) (Besides I believe sidebars on both sides helps the readers to focus more on the content rather than getting distracted by the links on the sidebars, as most readers tend to focus on the middle of the page)

Thanks again to all those who voted. This Poll was very interesting for me. I hope you found it interesting too :)


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3 responses so far,

  1. 1


    November 20, 2006 at 1:06 pm

    Ya, I also prefer sidebar on both sides for the same reason cited by you.

  2. 2


    November 20, 2006 at 2:47 pm

    No difference for readers, I think. Only for crawlers, but for crawlers it’s only about code. As we know we can use CSS to make sidebar on both sides when it’s after content in code.

    I’m not native speaker, so be placable ;)

  3. 3


    November 22, 2006 at 4:21 pm

    Nice theme John..

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