Presenting ContentWise v2


After a few days of work I have decided to put up ContentWise v2 which is based on TechnoBlue’s Style for TripleK2.

In the first version of ContentWise, I had given more important to content and in increasing my pageviews. Infact it worked well and I used to run out of bandwidth easily.

So this time I tried to decrease my pageviews a bit by removing the header navigation I had earlier.

Some of the main changes in ContentWise v2 :

  • moved Menu to sidebar
  • moved Subscribe buttons to sidebar
  • added a post divider
  • increased width of Content column
  • sidebars on both sides
  • tweaked for AdSense
  • fixed many bugs
  • updated to the latest stable version of K2
  • implemented
  • added rotated Refferal Units on header (not rotated yet)

Note: I am still testing the new design and have not optimized it for IE yet. Since I upgraded to IE 7, I could not check on IE 6.0.

I would like everyone’s opinion on the new design. If you still see the old theme, please clear your browsers cache.

And please do report any bugs you may come across. I would love to hear your suggestions too :)

Update: I reverted back to the first version of ContentWise. The new design will be back after I fix the problems it has with IE 6.

I provided a screenshot below (click to enlarge) of the new theme for readers who has not seen it in action. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.

ContentWise v2


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18 responses so far,

  1. 1


    November 7, 2006 at 10:00 am

    This theme is far better than earlier one. Earlier one was very much cluttered.

  2. 2

    Andrew Grant

    November 7, 2006 at 1:05 pm

    Nice, it’s a lot cleaner.

    You need to turn the top left logo into a link to your homepage though :)

  3. 3


    November 7, 2006 at 2:56 pm

    it`s very nice and smooth!!
    i dont know if u know what`s the problems with IE6 users..
    and since that i dont use IE, i have IE6.
    and this is a list of the problems:
    1-the right sidebar appear after the last post in the index page and after the comments box in the single posts,but with no problems with the table and the borders.
    2-the left sidebar has alot of problems and also the header check this images.
    3-and since u have problems with the header and the resizing process check out the footer:

    hope i helped u
    sorry for my bad english :)

  4. 4


    November 7, 2006 at 3:55 pm

    Hello, you know i am every day on your site and finally good you reboot your design.

    The first i can say that now your page looks like service page not a blog page. For me this is minus because your site is a blog and that is a good thing.

    Besides that, maybe i am wrong in that the page layout looks nice. I would change the top left and right borders to normal.

    About rotate header i can give you link to plugin that make it work with wordpress.

    In the end i think it is much better that the last one.

  5. 5


    November 7, 2006 at 4:09 pm

    XhacK sent me a few screenshots in IE 6.0 and I found that the new design looks completely messed up in it. And since more than 30% of my visitors still use IE 6, I will revert to the old design till I fix the problems.

    The sad part is that I upgraded to IE 7 and no longer have IE 6 :(

  6. 6


    November 7, 2006 at 4:15 pm


    I would change the top left and right borders to normal.

    Did you mean the sidebar borders?

    Also, do you have the link to the Ad rotator plugin for WordPress?

  7. 7


    November 7, 2006 at 4:39 pm

    hi John..
    hope this plugin be useful.. !!!
    see ya

  8. 8

    Amey jahagirdar

    November 7, 2006 at 4:59 pm

    Well, it’s doesn’t look grt as such , well your adsense positioning or any other ad positioning is also messed up.

  9. 9


    November 7, 2006 at 5:03 pm

    XhacK- Thank you :)
    Amey jahagirdar- Did you try checking in Firefox and Opera?

  10. 10


    November 7, 2006 at 5:11 pm

  11. 11

    Navjot Singh

    November 7, 2006 at 7:04 pm

    The current v1 theme does not display properly in IE6 too!

    But only main page is buggy…single post pages are ok!

    Check the screenshot:

  12. 12


    November 7, 2006 at 11:19 pm

    what!!! :|
    Navjot Singh u r right, there`s mistakes with borders
    but the the far right sidebar is ok with me..
    anyway i can see and read the content with no problems..
    john talk to me in googletalk to give u a full screenshot and tell u the problems!!

  13. 13


    November 8, 2006 at 1:46 am

    Actually, I loved the header navigation. How you could do that? I plan to make one for my blog too.

  14. 14


    November 9, 2006 at 2:26 am

    I’m digging it…any idea on the ETA?

  15. 15


    November 9, 2006 at 5:09 am

    Why do you want to Digg this post? This theme is for my site only. I don’t think diggers will be interested in it.

  16. 16


    November 9, 2006 at 2:06 pm

    I think the navigation menu placed on the header there better… seem like wired placed on the left hand sidebar there.

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