How to integrate StumbleUpon to your WordPress blog


According to Wikipedia, StumbleUpon is a web discovery service which integrates peer-to-peer and social networking principles with one-click blogging. The Toolbar system automates the collection, distribution and review of web content within an intuitive social framework, providing users with a browsing experience which resembles “channel-surfing” the web.

Those of you who has used StumbleUpon (SU) before might have experienced the traffic they can send you if your site get’s stumbled. Also traffic from SU lasts more and can be higher than the traffic send from Digg. So why not encourage your visitors to Stumble your blog posts?

SU can be integrated to your WordPress blog in 2 easy ways. LiewCF recently explained the direct method of adding StumbleUpon to your WordPress Blog.

Liew’s code will create something like this: StumbleUponStumble it!

Here I will explain on how to add StumbleUpon to your Sociable WordPress Plugin.

For those of you new to Sociable, it is plugin for WordPress that appends links to Social bookmarking sites at the end of each of your blog’s posts. This makes it easier for your readers to bookmark your posts thereby increasing your potential audience.

Sociable supports many sites like Digg,, Reddit, etc but not StumbleUpon. So here I will explain on how to add StumbleUpon to Sociable.

Instruction to add StumbleUpon to Sociable

Download the modified Sociable from here

Now activate the Sociable WordPress Plugin and go to Options > Sociable and select the bookmarking sites that you like and click ‘Save Changes’

StumbleUpon icon in Sociable

For some reason if StumbleUpon’s icon does not show up, try clicking ‘Restore Built-in Defaults’ and see if it works.

Now check one of your blog posts and you should see something like this.

StumbleUpon icon in Sociable

Note: You don’t need to add any code to make Sociable work as it hooks the_content() and the_excerpt() to display without requiring theme editing.

This is my SU Page, Please add me as your friend there :)


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10 responses so far,

  1. 1


    October 16, 2006 at 11:48 am

    Great Tutorial John, I was about to ask you regarding this. Looks like you read my mind. :D I will try and let you know.

  2. 2


    October 17, 2006 at 12:08 am

    Is StumbleUpon just like Blog Explosion?

  3. 3


    October 17, 2006 at 2:53 am has an article on the same topic. Interesting stuff. They got over 2000 hits in one day from SU.

  4. 4


    October 17, 2006 at 11:06 am

    Thank you for your modified sociable… I will apply it soon.

    Omeg, StumbleUpon is just like digg.

  5. 5

    Innovation Zen

    October 17, 2006 at 1:41 pm

    Hey John,

    Great blog, plenty of useful tips, keep it up.

    Just want to ask one question, though. How come every time you put 1 new entry up my rss aggregator receives like the past 15 entries? Is that a problem with my feed reader?

  6. 6


    October 17, 2006 at 1:48 pm

    hmm…Another reader recently reported this same problem to me. He was using Google reader. Which feed reader are you using?

    I use FeedDemon and I have never come across this problem. Or is this problem for webbased feed readers only?

    Anyways I will check my feed on Google reader and try to find out what is causing this. Thanks for letting me know :)

  7. 7


    October 18, 2006 at 9:25 am

    I’ve seen those icons on blogs before and thought they did each one individually. Thanks for the info!

  8. 8


    October 26, 2006 at 6:23 pm

    great tip.

    thanks for sharing.

  9. 9


    November 24, 2006 at 1:08 am

    Nice guide John…i love strumbleupon coz it sends a lot of traffic!!!
    I remember one of my post hit their buzz page and i got around 6000 visitors within 3 days…and i still get lots of visitors from it :)

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