WordPress Plugin: SEO Title Tag


SEO Title Tag is a plugin for WordPress that allows you to optimize your WordPress blog’s Title tags in ways not supported by the default WordPress installation. This plugin is one of my favorite WordPress Plugins as it let me do things that I have wanted to do for some time like…

  • Previously my post pages had titles like ‘TechnoBlue Released at JohnTP’s Home’. I have always wanted to change this to ‘TechnoBlue Released - JohnTP’s Home’. With SEO Title Tag I was able to change the default ‘at’ to ‘-’ in the title.
  • I wanted to have two different blog titles for homepage and single post pages. For Example, if I wanted to use ‘JohnTP.com - Tech News,Tutorials,Blog Tips,WordPress Themes and Plugins’ as title for the homepage then my single post pages would have titles like ‘Crazy Egg - Visualize visitor clicks - JohnTP.com - Tech News,Tutorials,Blog Tips,WordPress Themes and Plugins’.

    With SEO Title Tag I was able to have different blog titles for homepage and single post pages. So currently I am able to have the title ‘JohnTP.com - Tech News,Tutorials,Blog Tips,WordPress Themes and Plugins’ for the homepage and ‘Crazy Egg - Visualize visitor clicks - JohnTP.com’ for single post pages :)

  • I also wanted to change my WordPress Themes page’s title to ‘WordPress Themes,WordPress Skins,WordPress Templates’.

    Earlier if I had done that then ‘WordPress Themes,WordPress Skins,WordPress Templates’ would come up on my menu too. So I had to stick with the title ‘WordPress Themes’ for a long time.

    Now with SEO Title Tag I can have any title as it allows me to override a page’s title tag with a custom one defined through a custom field.

These are only some of the things SEO Title Tag can do. It’s other features include:

  • Reverses the order of the blog name and the title. This gives more keyword prominence to the title instead of the blog name. Or you can even drop the blog name altogether or replace it with a shorter nickname
  • Puts the tag name in the title of ‘Ultimate Tag Warrior‘ tag pages
  • Uses a Category’s description as the title tag on Category pages


  • Upload seo-title-tag.php to your wp-content/plugins directory
  • Activate the plugin
  • Open your Header file and find these codes

    <?php bloginfo('name'); wp_title(); ?>

    Note: You may be having a different container.</p> <p>Now replace your exisitng title codes with this</p> <p><code><title><?php if (function_exists('seo_title_tag')) { seo_title_tag(); } else { bloginfo('name'); wp_title();} ?>

Now go to Options > SEO Title Tag in your Admin panel and specify a title tag for your home page which will override your blog name as the home page’s title tag. You can also configure here whether you want all the rest of your site’s title tags to have your blog name, or a shortened version of your blog name, or neither, appended to the end.

Go to Manage > Categories and define Category descriptions to be used in place of category names in the title tag on category pages.

As I mentioned earlier, SEO Title Tag lets you have a custom title tag for both posts and pages. To do this enter title_tag (or whatever you specified as the custom field name under Options > SEO Title Tag) as a custom field and give it a value depending on whatever you want that post’s/page’s title tag to be.

I highly recommend all Blogger’s using the WordPress blogging platform to use this Plugin to optimize their Blog Titles.

Title tags are arguably the most important of the on-page factors for Search Engine Optimization (”SEO”). This WordPress plugin “SEO Title Tag”, written by Stephan Spencer of SEO specialist web agency Netconcepts, addresses several limitations in creating Search Engine Optimized title tags for blog posts and for Pages in the WordPress blogging platform. It is completely free and has been released as “open source” under the GPL license. So enjoy!

I have added this plugin to my Collection of useful WordPress Plugins

Download SEO Title Tag


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9 responses so far,

  1. 1


    September 11, 2006 at 3:47 pm

    Besides that link doesn’t work for me great news. Finally i see a professional plugin for WordPress SEO titles :)

  2. 2

    John T P

    September 11, 2006 at 3:50 pm

    Which link does not work for you?

  3. 3


    September 11, 2006 at 5:30 pm

    Ok, now it works :)

  4. 4


    September 13, 2006 at 8:08 pm

    Wow, a very nice plugin. Never thought that someone will make a free plugin like this. Going to install it right away.

  5. 5

    Ray Dotson

    September 19, 2006 at 3:10 pm

    I found your site by way of a google search for wordpress plugins. Awesome tips! I’m going to be checking out this plugin for my blog. Thanks!

  6. 6


    September 28, 2006 at 5:15 pm

    Is really a great wordpless plugin ;)

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