Crazy Egg - Visualize visitor clicks


Crazy Egg
I have been using Crazy Egg, the click tracking service from ACS, for a few days now and I am quite impressed. For those of you who have not heard about it- Crazy Egg is a service that let’s you track every click a visitor makes on links, forms, advertisements, and flash documents. The results can be viewed in 3 modes - Overlay, List and Heatmap.

Crazy Egg currently offers 4 different types of plans. The free plan lets you track 5,000 visits per month and 2 pages at once. I have only tried the free plan so far.

Crazy Egg Plans

After registering, you will be taken to the Dashboard from where you can add new pages for testing a new design, various layouts or Ad placements to see which work better.

Crazy Egg Dashboard

When adding a new page, you set a length of time for your test session and Crazy Egg will then provide you with a code to insert in your sites body.

The Dashboard lists out all the pages you have added with details on when the page was last tested, how many tests you have ran, and its current status as running or not. It also shows you a screenshot with basic statistics such as number of visits and clicks during the testing duration. To get to the more detailed reports such as the overlay, list and heatmap, click on the “View Results” button of any page listed.


Crazy Egg Overlay

The overlay reporting method is shown by default when you click “View Results” button and if clicks have already been recorded, you will see colored markers around your page. These markers will point out where your visitors have clicked. If you look at the above screenshot you will see that the markers are colored differently based on the number of clicks. Markers pointing out low clicks are blue in color and then it gets redish with higher clicks. If you click any marker, it will highlight the clicked object and show you the number of clicks it has.


Crazy Egg List

List, as it’s name suggests, will list down all elements that have been clicked sorted by the number of clicks. As you can see on the screenshot above, each row will show the element clicked, what type of element it is (a, img, input, span, div, etc), the amount of clicks, and the percentage of clicks. The list format is useful when you want a quick overview of the most or least clicked elements on your site.


Crazy Egg Heatmap

The heatmap makes it very easy for us to track down which areas on our site is viewed by visitors the most and which ones are less viewed. This information can be very handy when you want to place Ads on your page :)

My Experience

Crazy Egg is a great product to any web master who wishes to improve his or her web site. You can use it to test new designs and Ad placements to see which work better. Using the results you can see where visitors focus on your pages and increase your sites usability. This is one product I really enjoyed using and look forward for more features to be added to Crazy Egg in the future.

I highly recommend you to try out their free plan to see how it works. After trying out Crazy Egg come back here and share your experience with me.


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9 responses so far,

  1. 1


    September 8, 2006 at 1:42 pm

    Even Google Analytics offers this feature and I use it regularly. I liked the crazy egg’s interface and I am definitely going to try it and will give you my feedback about it.

  2. 2


    September 8, 2006 at 11:24 pm

    I tried it some time back and I didnt see any value add in the application. The way the data is shown i.e. heatmaps etc might look nice, but how many of them are interested in the UI.

    With Analytics, you can easily track outbound links which I recently covered here

    I’d rather have the same data show up in a table format rather than in some slow UI.
    And as far as ad tracking goes, you can create channels in Adsense and use the same in the ad script.

    My point is not to throw away the application, people have put effort into it.

    When there are simplied methods to accomplish the same, why would anybody go for a paid service like crazyegg ?. reporting !!

    (The free service isn’t of much use with few visitor click tracking and no live reporting)

  3. 3

    John T P

    September 9, 2006 at 5:09 am

    I like Crazy Egg’s UI. It’s a lot better than Google Analytic’s Site Overlay.

    Technorati allows you to track outbound links easily.

  4. 4


    September 10, 2006 at 7:14 am

    It looks like a good product but whatever it offers is currently being offered by Google Analytics as well. Also, their free plan may change in future and there are quite a few limitations on it as of now.

  5. 5

    Thomas Schulz

    October 9, 2006 at 6:43 pm

    Google Analytics can not track links to e.g. .exe files in such a way that they show up in site overlay… That “javascript:urchinTracker” thing is really kinda worthless (IMHO) if you have lots of pages with downloads and external buy now links… At least if one uses site-overlay to see what visitors are doing.

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