WordPress Plugin: Quoter


Quoter is a plugin for WordPress that allows users to quote a comment or a post in their comments just like in Forums. This plugin has been recently supported in K2 and I am beginning to see more and more blogs using it.

Comments can be quoted by clicking a link which pastes them in the comment form. You can also quote a post or any other part of text in a page, by selecting it and clicking a link.

Note: The plugin requires WordPress 2.0 or higher to work properly


  • upload the plugin to your wp-content/plugins/ folder
  • activate the plugin from Admin Panel>Manage Plugins
  • customize from Quoter submenu in Admin Panel>Options
  • add Quoter functions in the comments.php of your theme

The three functions that you have to add are quoter_comment(), quoter_comment_server() and quoter_page().

More info on each of the function can be found in the Plugin’s homepage.

Download Quoter WordPress Plugin


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12 responses so far,

  1. 1


    August 10, 2006 at 11:29 pm

    Quoter is definately a useful plugin. Nice info on quoter.

  2. 2


    August 11, 2006 at 12:28 am

    yea, ive been using this plugin for a long time on my site

  3. 3


    August 11, 2006 at 1:16 am

    OT Alert!

    Hey john,
    Your blog doesn’t support 800*600 resolution. Honestly I boycott all the sites (or atleast 90% of them) that has this horizontal scrolling thing. You should know that many still use this resolution.

    I’m saying this for your good. Even PCs with good config use this resolution… like Library PCs, even my college PCs, etc..

  4. 4


    August 11, 2006 at 4:28 am

    There is a better alternative for this plugin. I’ve been using it on my blog, checkout


  5. 5


    August 11, 2006 at 5:00 am

    Yup - I found Viper’s quoter plugin easier to install - could’ve just been me though =)

  6. 6

    John T P

    August 11, 2006 at 5:14 am

    Ashwin- As far as I know all 3 column K2 themes need at least 1024×768 resolution to display without horizontal scrollbars. Anyways the majority of web surfers use 1024×768 resolution and it is time the rest started using it too.

    All-I feel this plugin will be useful only when we have a lot of interactive readers willing to respond to the other commenters.

  7. 7


    August 11, 2006 at 8:52 pm

    Hello there and thanks to drop in a line!

    No man..I think anyone browsing from their Home PC might only get to use 1024×768 and above. Like I said 80% of the browsing centres, libraries, colleges, etc.. still use 800×600. It puts me off when I want to use horizontal scrolling.

    By the way you know any plugins that mail the Commentators directly from where they post?

  8. 8

    John T P

    August 11, 2006 at 9:15 pm

    Ashwin- I did not get the question. You want to mail the Commentators from where they post?

    Or do you want your Commentators to subscribe to be notified of new comments? There is a plugin for this, it’s called Subscribe to Comments

  9. 9


    August 11, 2006 at 10:52 pm

    Yeah..somewhat like I click a linko and I get to write and then that thing lands in the Commentators mail box.

  10. 10

    John T P

    August 11, 2006 at 10:54 pm

    Ashwin- I like the idea. I will let you know if I find such a WordPress Plugin

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