Link Problems


Nowadays many people have added my site to their Blogroll and I thank them all for that. But the problem is that most of them have linked to and not, Please correct this as soon as possible as I am currently facing a problem with my PageRank.

Please do link me on your site if you find my blog useful :-)


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8 responses so far,

  1. 1

    Ryan M

    August 8, 2006 at 6:38 pm

    Your blog was a huge inspiration for me to restart mine and what direction I should take as well as examples of how I should “blog.” I just changed the link here to include the WWW, hopefully that will help when PageRank updates again.

  2. 2

    John T P

    August 8, 2006 at 6:46 pm

    Thank you Ryan :-)

  3. 3

    Madhur kapoor

    August 9, 2006 at 3:02 am

    so thats why both the domains had diffrent page rank .

  4. 4

    Tom Parker

    August 9, 2006 at 5:19 am

    All setup here :) John have you got its great!

  5. 5

    John T P

    August 9, 2006 at 5:23 am

    Tom Parker- Yes, I have been using Google Analytics for months now :-)

  6. 6


    August 10, 2006 at 2:26 am

    John, I just recollected this and thought I will send you mail or comment here…

    If you have submitted your sitemaps to google, then login to google sitemaps account and there, you will find an option to tell google that consider as and add domain with www in google’s index…

    This will solve your PR issue too :)


  7. 7

    John T P

    August 10, 2006 at 9:53 am

    Deep- I had submitted my Sitemap generated by the Google Sitemap Generator WordPress Plugin months before. But I have been geting errors since then.

    Only today I checked those errors and found that Google reported the paths to be different, that is, I added my site in Google Sitemaps as but all the URLs that Google gets from my Sitemap were all with www. Could this be the reason that is still PR 3?

    I suspect this because I had submitted my sitemap to Google after getting PR3 and ever since it’s been stuck at that same PageRank.

    I don’t understand why I added my site as I always use

    Anyways I deleted that site and sitemap and added it again for I will put my domain preference to after Google checks my sitemap for errors.

    I hope my PageRank issues gets fixed now :-)

  8. 8


    August 11, 2006 at 2:01 pm

    Only today I checked those errors and found that Google reported the paths to be different, that is, I added my site in Google Sitemaps as but all the URLs that Google gets from my Sitemap were all with http://www. Could this be the reason that is still PR 3?

    Actually the only reason is that, google did not know that www and is same, that’s it… now since you have selected www option in your sitemaps account, it should fix the problem.


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