Poll: Which is your favorite Category?


I have put up a Poll (on sidebar) to know on which Category you would like to see more Articles in the future. I will write more articles on the Category that gets the highest Vote.

The categories put for Poll are

  • Blogging- Tips on increasing Blog Traffic and Readers and other interesting articles on Blogging
  • WordPress- Interesting info about WordPress, it’s Plugins and Themes
  • Google- Interesting news about Google
  • Tweaks- Various tips on how to tweak Windows, improve startup and shutdown speeds, and other interesting articles that will help you improve your PC’s performance.
  • Tutorials- Various useful Tutorials
  • Technology- Interesting Technology news
  • SEO- Articles on Search Engine Optimization
  • Gaming- Interesting Gaming Stuff.
  • Internet- Latest happenings on the Internet
  • Great Finds- Interesting Findings
  • Web Design- Articles on Web Designing, How to create a custom K2 Mod, etc
  • Softwares- Info on various useful Softwares

So please start voting on your favorite Category now.

After voting, please come back here and let me know why you voted for that particular Category. Is there any other Category you would like to vote for? Also let me know which all Articles are your favorites.


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3 responses so far,

  1. 1


    July 12, 2006 at 10:07 am

    Man… I voted for Internet… doesn’t look like its doing to well in the Poll… but I selected Internet because I enjoy all aspects on the Internet… everything in the poll can be tied into that… so that’s why I went with it.

  2. 2

    Ryan M

    July 12, 2006 at 8:04 pm

    As a new blogger I have really appreciated your Blogs and Wordpress categories. The tips you have left and the recommendations for Wordpress plugins have been greatly appreciated. It’s a bummer you’re going on vacation for a while, but you’ve earned it and I still have a lot of things to read on your site.

  3. 3


    July 12, 2006 at 8:12 pm

    I want you to blog more on wordpress….

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