10 Tips for Attracting More Comments


Chris Garrett has written a good article giving 10 Tips for attracting more comments on your blog. It is a must-read article if you are looking to increase the number of comments on your blog.

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1 response so far,

  1. 1


    October 22, 2006 at 3:36 am


    Excellent article that I am sure will help a lot of people. I created a post called that talks about how finding and commenting on older archvied articles that are relevant to your own can help increase interest in the publication. I have added a few additional references to the article so that viewers can continue learning more about blogging and attracting more viewers to comment. I wanted to encourage people to comment on your article here and also invite people to view my article after reading and commenting on yours.

    I look foward to seeing more responses here on this article and hope that more people find this helpful.

    Take care,

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