WP-UserOnline 2.04 released


WP-UserOnline is a WordPress Plugin that enables you to display the number of users online on your blog with detailed statistics like which page they are on and who there are.

The plugin also displays the bots online on your blog. Some of the currently supported bots are Google, MSN, Lycos, Ask Jeeves, Altavista, AllTheWeb, Inktomi, Technorati and Yahoo. You may also add more bots through the Options page.

The latest version of UserOnline, 2.04, uses AJAX and updates Users Online every 1 minute without refreshing the page. This is one of the features that I always wanted from this plugin and today I got it.

Another new feature is that you can now place Users Online Count And Users Browsing site data on the sidebar as a Widget.

You can find more useful plugins on the WordPress Plugins page.

Download WP-UserOnline


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3 responses so far,

  1. 1

    Alok Shenoy

    July 11, 2006 at 6:07 am

    hey this isnt exactly a comment regarding WP-Online, but regarding how you get those little icons ‘Share and Enjoy’ below your posts? and the ‘Subscribe’ icons in your header? I did check out the source, but then I wasn’t sure what to do. Do I have to register on each of those services, so that I can get those icons, and then put the code on my page? relatively I’m a noob to WP and coding [ i.e. know very little html and no css and php ].

  2. 2

    John T P

    July 11, 2006 at 8:19 pm

    Those icons are of SocialBookmarking Sites. You can get the WordPress Plugins from here

    You can get the Subscribe icons from . It will also generate the code needed.

    You can find more useful WordPress Plugins here

  3. 3


    July 12, 2006 at 8:26 am

    This plugin looks great, but I can never get it to work on my site.

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