Sexy Adsense Ads


Today on, Darren Rowse posted an image of a naked woman holding an Adsense Ad that he found while he was browsing. I think people risk themselves being banned by the Adsense team just to earn some quick cash. Here’s a screen shot

Here are a few more methods I have seen on other blogs. I think these are less risky and can really help you earn more money.

Have you tried these methods with your Adsense Ads? If you have, did they help you earn more cash?


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16 responses so far,

  1. 1


    June 21, 2006 at 9:14 am

    thats freakin awesome, its amazing what you can do with a little programming

  2. 2


    June 21, 2006 at 11:06 am

    even the second example you’ve put up can get you in trouble.

    The rule with images is that you need to either a put a border around the ads or around the images to show that they are not related. That’s the official advice I’ve been given from AdSense.

    Those second ads are not conforming to this (although many people are doing it).

  3. 3


    June 21, 2006 at 11:10 am

    Darren- I have seen so many blogs using the second example

  4. 4


    June 21, 2006 at 7:10 pm

    I use the second Method. I have confirmed with Adsense regarding this and they said its OK

  5. 5


    June 21, 2006 at 7:25 pm

    I have seen some blogs use the second example for months, so it has to be ok.

  6. 6


    June 21, 2006 at 9:29 pm

    Thanks for informing me about this. Darren says that Adsense Team give different reply to different people, So I have asked the same question again

  7. 7


    June 21, 2006 at 11:30 pm

    OK, I asked Adsense about placing ads near images. and here is there reply

    Hello Neela,

    Thanks for your emails regarding images near Google ads and your ads in

    You’re welcome to place images near the Google ads on your site. However,
    we ask that publishers not place misleading images near Google ads or use
    images that appear to be directly associated with the advertisers and
    their offerings. Such images may draw undue attention to the ads and
    prompt unintentional user clicks, thereby artificially inflating
    advertiser costs. As you may know, drawing undue attention to ads is in
    violation of our program policies, so we’re unable to approve the
    placement of all images next to Google ads.

    If you choose to experiment with placing images directly next to the ads,
    I’d strongly encourage you to maintain a visible border around the ad
    units to reduce the possibility of confusing users.

    In regards to your second email about the the ads breaking up in Firefox,
    please reply to this email and include the details listed below. Your
    answers will allow me to investigate your concerns more effectively.

    -What browser version are you using?
    -What operating system version are you running?
    -What is the exact URL that is causing you trouble?
    -What is the specific error message you are seeing?
    -Does this problem occur every time you view the page?
    -When did you put our ad code on your site?
    -What ad blocking or personal firewall software do you have installed, if
    -What is the date and time you saw this problem?
    -Can you send me a screenshot showing this problem? You can find
    instructions for capturing one in our Help Center:

    For additional questions, we encourage you to visit the AdSense Help
    Center (, our complete resource center
    for all AdSense topics. Alternatively, feel free to post your question on
    the forum just for AdSense publishers: the AdSense Help Group


    The Google AdSense Team

  8. 8


    June 22, 2006 at 7:39 am

    Good Find mates…. I am happy with the plain vanila google adsense….

  9. 9


    June 22, 2006 at 7:47 am

    well i personally think that the ads on this site are misleading. the ones that disguse themselves as links in a post, then are a pop-up of an ad.


  10. 10


    June 22, 2006 at 7:49 am

    or maybe it was on another site, nvm sorry

  11. 11


    June 22, 2006 at 5:55 pm

    well i personally think that the ads on this site are misleading. the ones that disguse themselves as links in a post, then are a pop-up of an ad.


    I think Clicksor doesn’t have any prob with such ads, Infact Clicksor pays more for pop up ads, But John you Should seriously consider removing popup ads

  12. 12


    June 22, 2006 at 10:38 pm

    OK John, I clarified this thing with Adsense Team

    As for the images next to your ad on , I’ve
    found that the placement of these images complies with our program
    policies. We appreciate you taking the time to check with us first.

  13. 13

    Turbo Geek

    June 25, 2006 at 7:06 pm

    I don’t understand. Putting few icons beside ads will not make it more attractive and making the nude woman hold the ads maybe attractive but i doubt it will make people to click it!

  14. 14


    June 25, 2006 at 7:36 pm

    Putting images near the ads can help you get the visitors attention and may result in higher clicks.

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