How to automatically post links in WordPress blogs


Kevin Lim has written a good post on how to automatically post links in WordPress blogs. This will be usefull if you are lazy and want your blog to look updated.

  • Sign up or Login to your account
  • Start bookmarking and tagging favorite web pages. I recommend using the “post to” bookmarklet on this page by dragging that bookmarklet directly onto your bookmark toolbar. The “post to” button allows you to post your current page to, and allows you to enter tags and a brief description of the link.
  • On the right side of, under Experimental, click on the link that says “daily blog posting”
  • Click “add a new thingy” and some obscure form appears
  • Enter the following into the form, and enter your relevant details in the [boxes]
    job_name : WordPress Daily Post (or any title you want)
    out_name : [Your WordPress Username]
    out_pass : [Your WordPress Password]
    out_url : http://[Your Blog URL]/xmlrpc.php
    out_time : 4 (the GMT that you want the post to happen. 0 = 8pm EST)
    out_blog_id : blank (not applicable to WordPress I presume)
    out_cat_id : 15 (Regardless, it’ll probably post to the default WordPress category)
  • Hit “Submit Query” and you’re done!

I think this will be useful to a lot of bloggers.


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