Should you add a Forum to your Site?


A forum is a good place to discuss stuff and make friends. Having a sucessful forum on your site can help you both in getting traffic as well as in earning a good revenue. One of the things you should look for before starting a forum is traffic.

Without good traffic on your site, there is no use in starting one. Is traffic enough to start a successful forum? Well no, you need to work hard, post quality content and make the forum active.

Once you succeed in getting a few active members to your forum, you can take rest while it generates both traffic and revenue.

Yaro of Entrepreneur’s Journey has written on some of the benefits of a successful forum and some reason why your forum could become a failure.

I recommend you read it if you are interested in starting a forum on your site.


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6 responses so far,

  1. 1


    June 14, 2006 at 3:34 pm

    As for me, I don’t think a personal site should run a forum. Because a forum is a place where people come to discuss or chat. Unless the personal site have projects that involving their site visitors to participate in their projects or submit feedbacks.

  2. 2


    June 14, 2006 at 4:01 pm

    I have always wanted to add a forum here on Though my domain name might make it sound like a personal one, you will not find much personal stuff.

    I am waiting for good traffic to start a forum here :-D

  3. 3


    June 14, 2006 at 4:52 pm

    Maybe it might be a good idea to hold a poll and ask readers if they want a forum. After all they’re the people who will use it and so there’s not much point starting one if no one wants it.

  4. 4


    June 14, 2006 at 7:44 pm

    Basu I agree with you but it is better I put up a poll on that topic after I start getting good traffic. I have seen a few forums that was unsuccessful in the past and I don’t want that to happen here.

    I am looking forward to start one soon.

  5. 5

    Keith Dsouza

    June 15, 2006 at 12:18 am

    As CypherHackz already said that forums and personal sites don’t go hand in hand, I would like to add that forum’s and maybe blogging too probably don’t go hand in hand.

    Unless ofcourse the blogs you have, have topics that needs a broadly discussed area.

    Nevertheless a blog is already a forum in itself with the commenting system, like we here are already discussing whether a blog should have a forum or not.

    Having said that I would like to have a forum with a wider base of user’s but it’s already hectic with my blogging sites so I would prefer a different domain for running that.

    BTW your site is overlapping in Flock which i used earlier in the day to access your site.

  6. 6


    June 15, 2006 at 3:32 am

    There are differences between blogs and forums. In blogs, it is the author that starts the discussion. While on a forum anyone can start a discussion.

    A blog may die when the author stops posting while on a sucessful forum the author can stay inactive for weeks to months without the forum dying. The moderators will take care of the forum.

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