How to boost a new blogs traffic


Yaro has a good post on how to announce a blog for brand new bloggers. His advices are solid and I recommend you to read it if you are new to blogging.

The main tips he gives are

  • Write at least five pillar articles, the more you have the better
  • Make sure your new visitors can easily find your pillar content by creating an articles page or linking to your top content on your blogs front page, like I have done at my Top Posts page
  • If you aim to use your name for personal branding make sure the title of your blog includes your name
  • Make sure your contact information is available
  • Focus on your content, don’t worry about the traffic
  • Start commenting on similar blogs
  • Start building relationships with other bloggers
  • Link to other blogs with trackbacks
  • Be prepared to work long and hard before big traffic comes.

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