Gmail Pictures coming soon


Users of Gmail will soon experience a new feature called Gmail Pictures. The new feature basically lets you see who has emailed you, almost like an avatar in instant messengers.

The new feature won’t be available for all users at once, it will be rolled out slowly just like the chat feature did.

Gamil Pictures

What are Gmail pictures?

Gmail pictures allow you to put a face to a name, by showing user-selected pictures when you roll over a name in your inbox, Contacts, or Quick Contacts list. You can choose your own photo for yourself and for your contacts, suggest a photo for a contact to use, or see what your friends have selected for themselves.

Gmail pictures can be configured to show to all users who you email or who email you, or they can be limited to only those users who are able see when you’re online. You can see a full list of users who can see your online status from the All Contacts tab of your Contacts page – they’ll be listed with a colored ball next to their name.

Wow.. I can hardly wait to the the new feature in action :-)

Source: , ZD Net


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2 responses so far,

  1. 1

    Madhur Kapoor

    May 12, 2006 at 10:29 pm

    It is a great feature . Have been expecting since they relesed there new version of Gtalk . Now it will make our inbox look more interactive.

  2. 2


    May 12, 2006 at 10:55 pm

    Yes, I can’t wait for this new feature to be launched :-)

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