Tag suggestion tools


Most of you tag keywords for Technorati but do you know which keywords are the most appropriate ones? Selecting the right keywords can get you more traffic to your blog. Right keywords refers to keywords used by other people on similar contents. With help of tag suggestion tools, you can easily find out related and popular keywords.

You can use the following sites to get the right keywords

Technorati: http://www.technorati.com/tag/

Enter your keyword in the text field and click “Go to Tag”.

technorati tag search

Tagyu: http://tagyu.com/

Insert text or URL into the “Test Drive” text area and click “Try it” button.


Del.icio.us: http://del.icio.us/search/

Enter your keyword and press “Search” button.


BlinkList: http://www.blinklist.com/

Enter your keyword in the search text field, select “public” and click “Search” button.


Note: Do not tag every keyword suggested by these sites. Just choose the most appropriate ones.

Based on a post by LiewCF


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