Digg Effect -gain or loss?


The third point on an article written by Tech-Recipes,Top 10 things you should know about the Digg Effect, says - Digg traffic does not generate new users, comments, or posts.

Well, that is not that true. You get comments depending upon the topic and your way of writting.

My recent article, How to increase download speeds of uTorrent, came up on the frontpage of Digg yesterday and I did get comments from it’s users on my site.

After experiencing the Digg Effect, I asked myself- Was the Digg Effect- gain or loss?

What I gained

What I lost?

Bandwidth :sad:

What do you think? Have you gained anything from Digg? Was the Digg Effect- gain or loss?


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4 responses so far,

  1. 1


    April 21, 2006 at 1:41 am

    Bandwidth comes cheap these days (if you look hard enough, you can get more than a terabyte a month for about $5/m :cool:), and this is not much of a downside compared with a more subscribers, and more importantly, free links
    Depending on the subject of your blog, reddit.com can bring in more traffic than digg.
    Timing can also be important. I’ve also noticed than traffic will be most dramatic when posted right after dinner time in the US (from 5 or 6 Eastern time or so). If you reach critical enough mass, then you’ll get residual traffic for a few days.

  2. 2


    April 21, 2006 at 1:54 am

    I agree, timing is very important. For example, posting news articles in Digg is not easy. You have to be fast and if you make it you will get a LOT of traffic :smile:
    I thought Digg and Slashdot brings the most traffic :???:

  3. 3


    April 21, 2006 at 2:03 am

    lifehacker.com can also bring in quite a bit of traffic if you are lucky enough to get featured. A good friend of min got featured, and got 15,000 visitors in a couple days.
    Bottom line: I think it depends on the subject matters of the article.

  4. 4


    April 21, 2006 at 2:22 am

    True, my friend also got featured recently on Lifehacker.com and said that he got a lot of traffic.

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