Seven Simple Keyword Rules


Liz Strauss has written a good post on 7 simple keyword rules that must be followed when writing for the Internet. What are those rules?

  1. Always write for people first.
  2. Position keywords after the post is written.
  3. Keep the number of individual keywords limited.
  4. Avoid using a given keyword too often in a document. The Internet is not a first-grade practice reader.
  5. Position keywords in titles, headers, early in text, and on new pages.
  6. Position keywords in graphic descriptions as appropriate to explain them. Remember some programs use those descriptions to interpret images for readers who can’t see the graphics.
  7. Go back to read the document again–read it as your human readers would. Take out the keywords that are redundant. Search engine spiders and people agree on that.

Thanks Liz for the great tips!


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