Must-have Plugins for WordPress


This is a very short list of WordPress Plugins, you can find the full list here.

Google Sitemap Generator

This generator will create a Google compliant sitemap of your blog. Currently homepage, posts, static pages, categories and archives are supported. The priority of a post depends on its comments. More comments, higher priority! If you have external pages which don’t belong to your blog, you can also add them to the list. This plugin will automaically notice Google whenever the sitemap gets regenerated.

Download Sitemap Generator

Popularity Contest

Popularity Contest keeps a count of your post, category and archive views, comments, trackbacks, etc. and uses them to determine which of your posts are most popular.Numerical values are assigned to each type of view and feedback; these are used to create a popularity score for each post.

The values assigned to each view and feedback type are editable and can be changed at any time. When you change any of these values, the ‘popularity score’ for all posts are updated immediately to reflect the new values.

Download Popularity Contest

Related Posts

This is one of my favorites. It returns a list of the related entries based on active/passive keyword matches. This will help you bring out those posts that are hidden in your Archives.

Download Related Posts

Search Meter

Keeps track of what your visitors are searching for. After you have activated this plugin, you can check the Search Meter Statistics page to see what your visitors are searching for on your blog.

The Statistics page also lists out the searches that yielded no results under ‘Unsuccessful searches’. I often check these ‘Unsuccessful searches’ and write posts on them. I suggest you do the same to keep your visitors.

Download Search Meter

Brian’s Latest Comments

This plugin shows an overview of the recently active articles and the last people to comment on them. This is one of the plugins that are supported by K2.

Download Brian’s Latest Comments

Extended Live Archives

This plugin implements a dynamic archive which allows you to dig into your blogs archives in a fast and efficient way, without having to reload the page as you explore.

Check my Archives page to see this plugin in action.

Download Extended Live Archives

Ultimate Tag Warrior

The Ultimate Tag Warrior (UTW) is designed for WordPress sites to increase the possibilities and functions for tagging posts and expanding site navigation through the creation of lists of tags. It allows storing a set of tags against posts that behave like categories - the tags can be displayed on a post as links, and when clicked, the visitor is taken to an archive page for that tag. There are also RSS/atom feeds available for each tag.

Beyond the category-like behaviour, Ultimate Tag Warrior plugin provides ways of getting an overview of your tags through tag clouds and graphic representation such as a long tail graph and/or weighted bar arrangement. UTW can also be coaxed into linking to other tag-savvy websites such as, Flickr and Technorati.

Download Ultimate Tag Warrior

Feedburner Feed Replacement

Forwards all feed traffic to Feedburner while creating a randomized feed for Feedburner to pull from.

PXS Mail Form

Creates a mail form with multi part verification, various messages and an auto redirect on successful send. Recent updates include referrer checks and exploit management. Also, allows the sender to CC themselves.

Download PXS Mail Form

Subscribe to Comments

Allows readers to recieve notifications of new comments that are posted to an entry.

Download Subscribe to Comments


Automatically adds links on your posts to popular social bookmarking sites.

Download Sociable Plugin


This plugin calculates statistics for your WordPress weblog.

Download BAStats

Digg This

Digg this is a plugin that detects incoming links from Digg to your wordpress post and automaticaly displays a link back to the digg post, for people to digg your story.

The detection is based on the referer URL, which has to come from Digg. In case there is more than one digg posts to your page, only the first one will be displayed.

Download Digg This

This is a very short list of WordPress Plugins, you can find the full list here.


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14 responses so far,

  1. 1

    Chrono Cr

    March 29, 2006 at 3:05 pm

    Excellent John. Relished this. Good list. I must ask Matt to add some to

    I personally like the Sitemap (As an SEO LOL!), Ultimate Tag & Pop Contest.

    BTW, are you in Chennai?

  2. 2


    March 29, 2006 at 5:26 pm

    Glad you liked it. Actually there’s more but they are less important.

    No, I am not from Chennai. But I have been there (on May,2005) to visit my cousins.

  3. 3


    May 7, 2006 at 6:51 am

    for ur every post ,we can c technorati tags added to that post .is that a plugin ? if yes which is that

  4. 4


    May 7, 2006 at 5:25 pm

    jagsy- I use Ultimate Tag Warrior for technorati tags. You can find the link above.

    Also check this post here for links to tag suggestion tools :-)

  5. 5


    May 26, 2006 at 2:44 pm

    I love this great website. Thanks a lot John!

  6. 6


    July 20, 2006 at 4:15 pm

    Good list.

    I use almost all of them on my blog. I also recommend Akismet plugin

  7. 7

    Hone Watson

    August 13, 2006 at 1:00 pm

    Hi John what is the plugin you’re using which allows you to have a picture in the commentors comment?

    Also what is the plugin which adds the two “feed for this entry” and “trackback” graphics above or is that just part of the theme?

    Is this theme available?

    And also the notify me of follow up comments via email checkbox? Is that a plugin?

    Many thanks,

    Hone Watson

  8. 8

    John T P

    August 13, 2006 at 6:28 pm

    Gravatar enables pictures in the commentors comment

    The “feed for this entry” and “trackback” are part of this theme and is designed by me for this blog only. However I do design themes for free use. Currently I have only made one available but more will come soon. I will list them here.So check back later for more themes :-)

    Finally the ‘notify me of follow up comments via email’ is done by plugin called Subscribe to Comments

    You can find these and more useful plugins here

  9. 9

    Scott at Real Epicurean

    November 2, 2006 at 9:12 pm

    Excellent plugins list - I think I now use almost all of these.

  10. 10


    November 4, 2006 at 11:41 pm

    thanks this was very helpful. i dl the sociable plugin im sure it will increase my traffic a bit

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