How to promote your WordPress Archive


Blogs are sorted according to the latest posts and so your old posts will be hidden in the blog archives. ME Strauss of Successful Blog suggested a few points to promote blog archive. I will show you how to promote your WordPress Archive with help of some WordPress plugins.

WordPress plugins used:

Popularity Contest — the award winning plugin. It is a powerful WordPress plugin to track your post’s popularity.

Related Entries — the plugin shows possibly related posts and pages to the current post.

Ultimate Tag Warrior– the plugin is designed for WordPress sites to increase the possibilities and functions for tagging posts and expanding site navigation through the creation of lists of tags.

Read on to know how to promote WordPress archive using the plugins.

  • Put Popular Posts where folks can find them:

    Plugin: Popularity Contest
    Description: Show most popular posts of the blog.

    Code: < ?php akpc_most_popular(); ?>

    You can show popular posts of a category using the following line of code:

    < ?php akpc_most_popular_in_cat(); ?>

    You can also show popular posts of a month using the following line of code:

    < ?php akpc_most_popular_in_month(); ?>

  • Feature Related Articles at the end of every new post:

    Plugin: Related Entries
    Description: Show possibly related posts of current post

    Code: < ?php related_posts(); ?>

  • Intra-Link to Past Articles when you can:
    Link to previous posts wherever possible.
  • Read your stats to see what’s popular and make more:

    Plugin: Popularity Contest
    Description: Popularity Contest shows a “Most Popular Posts” report in WordPress Admin. From there, you know what are popular and you can write more posts around the popular topics.

  • If you get keyword traffic, make sure it’s landing on the posts that it should:

    Plugin: Ultimate Tag Warrior (UTW)
    Description: With UTW you can tag your posts so that your readers can read posts on a particular topic. Tags are like categories.


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