Subscribe to Comments for WordPress


I had been thinking of installing this plugin for quite some time. Well, you must be wondering what this plugin for WordPress does.

Subscribe to Comments is a WordPress plugin that allows commenters on an entry to subscribe to e-mail notifications for subsequent comments. I think the plugin is very useful especially for those blogs which get many comments.

The commenter is able to manage his or her subscriptions anytime they want. You can also allow your readers to subscribe to comments without commenting themselves.


  1. Put subscribe-to-comments.php into plugins directory
  2. Put wp-subscription-manager.php into your blog’s root WordPress directory
  3. Go into the WordPress admin interface and activate the plugin
  4. Put this code where you would like to see the subscription checkbox:
    < ?php show_subscription_checkbox(); ?>

Note: If you are using K2 theme, skip step 4

Download Subscribe to Comments


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2 responses so far,

  1. 1


    November 1, 2006 at 11:05 am

    I had some problems installing this plugin but after a few hours ( LOL ) i managed to make it work, i think that the plugin wasn’t working because of my theme, if you have any problems i will kindly help you !

  2. 2


    November 1, 2006 at 5:01 pm

    It’s a very useful plugin.

    I used it for sometime but then I did away with it becasue I thought it will heavily waste bandwith. Was i right or wrong? I am not sure myself. Please clear this doubt.

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