Google Sitemap Generator for WordPress


I just installed Google Sitemap Generator for WordPress 2.0 . It’s really awesome, you can get Googlebot to visit your site in under 60 seconds!

At first though I got an error while creating sitemap.xml, the error was because the script needed write access to my blog directory.

After a lot of searching I found how to do it. This is how I did it step by step:

  • create two blank files in notepad - sitemap.xml and sitemap.xml.gz
  • upload them to your host
  • CHMOD them to 666, which makes them writable
  • generate the sitemap from your wordpress by going to options>sitemap

Now go to Google Sitemap and add your sitemap. Verify your site to see detailed statistics and errors for it.

If you still cannot get the sitemap generator to work then go here for a free step by step Google Sitemaps Video Tutorial.


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    June 12, 2006 at 7:17 am

    looking for information and found it at this great site.

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