Google Desktop Rulez!


Google Desktop 2 is one of my favorite Google products. Google Desktop indexes my Gmail messages which helps me when I want to read my mail when I am offline.

Google Talk if installed will integrate with Google Desktop and inform me whenever I receive a mail in real time.

Web Clips is a panel in GD2 which is very useful when you want to be informed about the latest updates in your favorite blogs.

Other GD2 panels which interest me are Scratch Pad, News and What’s Hot.

Ofcourse there are other panels like Photos, Quick View, Stocks and Weather.


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1 response so far,

  1. 1

    Srinivasa Ramanujam

    September 27, 2006 at 2:41 pm

    I installed few months back, but it took lot of resources and my computer becomes very slow. I removed it.

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