Google gets sued by Jews for Jesus


Christian evangelical group Jews for Jesus is suing Google Inc., saying a blog hosted through Google’s Blogspot service infringes its trademark.

The suit, filed in U.S. District Court in New York, seeks to force Google to give Jews for Jesus control of the site as well as unspecified monetary damages.

Susan Perlman, associate executive director with Jews for Jesus, says that Google has allowed the use of their name on Blogspot without their permission and that their reputation is now at stake.

The disputed blog,, was started in January 2005 by someone taking the name “Whistle Blower” and airing critical views of the San Francisco-based organization, which seeks to convert Jews to Christianity.

Comments on the blog showed that Jews for Jesus attempted to persuade Whistle Blower to transfer the domain to the group but was rebuffed.


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    February 20, 2006 at 6:21 am

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