Increase Web Traffic using StumbleUpon
ADVERTISEMENTS I have been a bit more active on StumbleUpon this month and it has helped me to get to know a lot of other bloggers, increase comments, increase traffic and promote my new hardware review blog.
Send pages to your friends via SU toolbar
To increase your site or blog traffic using StumbleUpon, all you have to do is to find your friends and others having similar interests to that of yours and add them as friends in SU. Once you have enough mutual friends in StumbleUpon, you can easily increase your site’s traffic by sending the page to all your friends via the SU toolbar and kindly asking them to stumble it.
I currently have 147 mutual friends in StumbleUpon all of which are bloggers (SU has a 200 friend limit). I found some of them via the post I put up to exchange social media contacts and some had already added me as a friend. Having many mutual SU friends makes it easy to get many stumbles for any page or comments for a post.
Make sure to thank your SU friends for stumbling and to return the favor by stumbling the pages your friends want.
Also remember to not frequently send pages to your friends for stumbling as that can be irritating and your friends may start to ignore your stumble requests. If you wish to do it frequently, send it to just your close friends.
Increasing comments
Earlier this month I had put up a post here to know people’s opinion towards faking feed count as I had a chat with a blogger who said he was actually benefiting from faking his feed count. I had send the post via SU toolbar to all my SU mutual friends and got good number of comments from many bloggers including Darren Rowse, Liz Strauss and Chris Garrett. All were good comments and not ones like "I agree" or "I disagree".
Increasing Web Traffic
Recently I had introduced my new hardware review blog here and asked my SU friends to stumble the blog and most of them did. The blog also got 15 positive reviews. I even messaged around 10-15 SU users with the computer hardware interest of which many stumbled the blog (I thanked most of them too) except for one person who got pissed off and left a negative review for the blog.
The blog received around 500 unique traffic that day and still continues to receive traffic from StumbleUpon. Some SU users were even kind enough to stumble other pages of the blog and even commented on some of the posts.
As you can see StumbleUpon is a good way to promote your blog, increase comments and to connect with other bloggers. If you use StumbleUpon, don’t forget to add me as your friend and feel free to request stumbles

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Posted on December 31st, 2007 | Category: Blogging |
Mike - Twenty Steps
January 1, 2008 at 2:46 am
I have to say that I am totally and utterly head over heels in love with StumbleUpon. Not only have I found hundreds of new sites via the toolbar, it also provided over 25% of my total traffic for 2007. Not bas since I only really started using it in the second half of the year!
I’d definitely suggest caution when it comes to sending Stumble requests to your friends. As you say, if you overdo it you’ll find it irritates your friends pretty quickly. I was previously friends with a well known social media character (not gonna name names for obvious reasons) and he was bombarding me with requests to the point that I de-friended him.
Anyway happy new year, John. Look forward to reading more from you in ‘08
January 1, 2008 at 4:11 am
SU provides about one half of my traffic. I have gotten keywords up to 30 percent and am working to get it up to fifty percent. It seems a lot more difficult to find good keywords than get a response from SU but it is longer lasting of course.
Also, I think it is a good idea to keep track of who sends you things to stumble. They are more receptive to stumbling your stuff and I pay most attention to them. But it’s a good idea to touch base with everyone once or twice per month.
Nice picture btw. Much better.
Techblissonline Dot Com
January 1, 2008 at 12:17 pm
yes it is very important to have friend with mutual interest and stumbleupon will then be gr8….otherwise some people do get pissed off….say sorry and get them off ur list….also do not ask stumbles for every post….ask them only for gud posts and if they find it stumbleworthy
Hanne Sena
January 1, 2008 at 8:59 pm
yeah, totally agree with you. my unique visitor increase about 200~300% for my new born blog, and i just click the “i like it” button at the su toolbar. anyway, must remember that never spam the stumbleupon, use it wisely.
January 7, 2008 at 8:28 pm
I use SU for over a year now, have received over 250.000 visits and I just can’t complain.
I have you on my list too.
January 11, 2008 at 8:42 pm
Ehm.. never tried before this stumbleupon. My Photography Blog just 1 month old. Just got 10-20 visitor / day. I think i am gonna tried your trick.
March 8, 2008 at 2:35 am
John! your blog is great with some simple but very effective tips. Actually I am reading your blog for many months now but this is my first comment here. I have only started to use StumbleUpon now after I started blogging. I will definitely add you as a friend. Keep up the good work.
March 19, 2008 at 8:28 pm
it will be great if you can send to all of your friends by one click on stumble upon ! maybe someone now how to do that?
June 9, 2008 at 12:55 am
Nice post, and indeed I have to agree with you that SU is really helpful.. thx..
Ashwin S
June 19, 2008 at 5:17 pm
Increase Web Traffic
July 7, 2008 at 2:42 pm
I agree with everything you said… my site received 600% growth last month and a large chunk was due to stumbleupon.. there is a really interesting post going around about the stumbleupon algorithm… basically the more fans you have combined with the amount of sites you have stumbled gives you more power… so aim for that when you start out is my advice to newbie’s to stumbleupon