Use Images From Flickr For Your Blog
ADVERTISEMENTS I have wrote earlier on how using images on blog posts can help grab the attention of your visitors and feed readers and also shared some links to help you find free photos for your blog. Some readers had commented on that post that they use Google Image search to find images for their blog, but I suggest that you don’t use it as some of the images you find using it may be copyrighted.
One that I suggest is . It has many amazing images taken by both amateur and professional photographers.
After reading this post by Skellie on PureBlogging, I found that Flickr has an that lets you search only within Creative Commons-licensed photos and that lets you find photos to use commercially and ones that can be modified.
You can do so quickly and easily via the Flickr Advanced Search form. Here you can select several options which will ensure you’re legally in the clear when using images from Flickr.
Select ‘Only search within Creative Commons-licensed photos’
This will ensure that you can republish images on your own site without risk of violating anyone’s copyright and paying for it later — as long as you are not making any money from your site. However, most bloggers are making a little bit of advertising income and will also need to…Select ‘Find content to use commercially’
This means the search results will only turn up images you can use on a site which displays advertising.If you want to change the images in any way…
By resizing them, cropping them, placing text on them, and so on, you’ll also need to select ‘Find content to modify, adapt, or build upon’. This ensures your search doesn’t return any images which can’t be altered.
Remember that you will need to link back to every image you find on Flickr. The owners of the photos deserve it.

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Posted on November 23rd, 2007 | Category: Blogging |
Virtual Lottery
November 25, 2007 at 12:16 am
I use to find free photos.
November 25, 2007 at 2:13 am
I think Flickr is a great source for good photos. I’ve seen lots of blog posts displaying beautiful photos, and the credits were given to Flickr accounts. I’ll give it a try as well.
David Bradley
November 26, 2007 at 5:52 pm
Hi, I covered the Creative Commons issue on Sciencebase some time ago, I’ve also got a guest post on Sciencetext coming up about how commercial organizations are scamming photo users with their libraries and databanks. Watch out for that on November 28
David Bradley
November 28, 2007 at 1:54 pm
I have another guest blog post on Sig Figs today, from Peter Lewis of the UK’s Open University. In it he discusses the copyright or, actually, the lack thereof, for old photos and images and how the system is being abused by the likes of Getty. You can read about copyright abuse here.
Tay - Super Blogging
November 30, 2007 at 12:15 pm
Great article! Occasionally I use free stock photo sites, but I think Flickr is the way to go. Some people complain because you have to give credit to the photographer, but COME ON. They deserve it - I find SO many great photos on Flickr.