Things I Do Before Writing A Post


Hand on keyboard

To get your blog read by a lot of people you need to write original and quality content that interests them and to produce the content you will need to relax your mind and stay away from the things that will distract you while writing a post.

Here are the things I do before writing a post:

  1. Close all instant messengers - During the time when I had mentioned my instant messenger IDs on my about page, I used to get a lot of IMs from visitors asking for help and while I have no problem in helping, it used to annoy me when I got IMs while writing a post. I just can’t concentrate on blogging when IMs just pop up. So I made the decision since then to close all instant messengers before blogging.
  2. Close Feed reader - While I like my Feed reader (FeedDemon) notifying me of updates in my favorite blogs, I get distracted when it notifies me while writing a post. So I just close it until I finish writing the post.
  3. Lower the Music Volume - I listen to music most of the time my PC is on, but I lower the volume while blogging to concentrate more on the post that I write.
  4. Close Room door - This is something I always do while blogging to avoid getting distracted by sounds near me, like when my family watches TV.

  5. Sign out of Gmail - I sign out of Gmail before blogging to prevent myself from checking for new mails while writing a post.
  6. Keep my mobile at a distance - Most of the time I end up losing ideas I had for a post after answering a call, so I just keep my mobile in another room while blogging.
  7. Drink juice - This is something that energizes me and makes me feel like writing, but I do it mosly only during my first post of the day.
  8. Play games - Playing a game just before blogging (or after) relaxes my mind and sometimes I even get ideas for a post while playing. Currently the games I frequently play are GTA San Andreas and Need for Speed Most Wanted and NFS Carbon.

What are the things you do just before writing a post?


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18 responses so far, Leave a comment

  1. 1

    David Bradley

    September 24, 2007 at 10:26 pm

    When I was a student, I used to study with music blasting away all the time. It didn’t seem to do me too much harm, I usually passed my exams!

    These days though I can no longer concentrate if I have music playing. Thankfully(?) my machine crashes every now and then and takes so long to reboot that it gives me a chance to play some guitar while I wait, then I get straight back down to blogging


  2. 2


    September 24, 2007 at 10:40 pm

    I am also like you, in blasting music while studying.
    I switch on music while blogging as listening to music gives me lot of energy. :)

  3. 3

    David Bradley

    September 24, 2007 at 10:48 pm

    Unfortunately, it’s a long time since I did that kind of studying…almost twenty years, in fact…


  4. 4


    September 24, 2007 at 10:54 pm

    I have seen my friends study with music turned on in high volume, but I cant concentrate with high volume.

    Even while blogging, I need to lower the music volume to concentrate on writing the post.

  5. 5


    September 25, 2007 at 2:39 am

    MAybe you do do this but you should do a little research before writing a post - on forums, blogs, social network to find out what are they mostly talking about out there…

    At least I do this anyway and it seem to work in getting just a little more comments :-)

  6. 6

    Shankar Ganesh

    September 25, 2007 at 8:07 am

    Hey, nice write-up, John

    I too take care to turn of IMs.. they can really prove distracting.

    I like to browse through some beautiful images in Flickr before I write a post hehe :D The ones that look pleasant

  7. 7


    September 25, 2007 at 6:58 pm

    Amazing post John.

    Regarding IMs, I don’t even bother to sign in unless I need them. IM and Google Reader is the biggest time waster for me…

  8. 8


    September 25, 2007 at 8:11 pm

    WarriorBlog- I don’t check forums much, but I do check out a few popular blogs.

    Shankar Ganesh- Looking at beautiful images in Flickr before writing a post? That’s something I never heard of :D

    Well, we all have our own unique ways :)

    Ashwin- Which feed reader do you use?

  9. 9


    September 25, 2007 at 10:56 pm

    I do have a habit of closing all my Firefox tabs before writing. This usually helps avoid distraction by other websites. I keep only reference links open.

  10. 10

    Tulare county california real estate

    September 26, 2007 at 9:32 am

    Oh that Instant messenger will get you every time too! It doesn’t matter if I am writing or just trying to get something done on the computer; it seems to pop up at the worst time. Now on a given day when I actually don’t have loads of things to do…it’s cricket town in IM land.

  11. 11


    September 29, 2007 at 2:15 am

    Yes, close AIM, MSN, Yahoo, and ICQ messengers!!! I can totally agree with you on that. I recently wrote content for a new website and was getting interupted every 2 seconds and it was driving me nuts. Also, turn the cell phone off!

  12. 12

    Veronica Routtu

    October 4, 2007 at 3:16 am

    I think it is interesting the things that work for different people. It really pays to know what works for YOU when it comes to getting things done.

    I read an article a couple days ago on learning styles. It pointed out that there are 3 main learning styles and depending what your style is, things each person can do to work or learn more productively. I sure notice the difference in styles with my two kids!

    Speaking of kids, any solutions for “turning off” the “Hey MOM’s”? lol

    I have also found that turning off all messengers, not checking emails etc is helpful not just for concentrating on blogging etc…but is a good time management tip to help me get my work done period!

    Take Care,
    Veronica Routtu
    �Success Begins When You Take the First Step�

  13. 13


    October 23, 2007 at 1:21 pm

    I also like music, but don’t need it to blog. I can ignore most distrations except if people are in front of me talking or I get a phone call.

  14. 14


    November 4, 2007 at 9:26 pm

    Hello, very nice site, keep up good job!
    Admin good, very good.

  15. 15


    February 11, 2008 at 10:29 pm

    Most of your tips make a lot of sense except for #8. To me, it’s just another way to waist precious time :)

  16. 16


    June 6, 2008 at 1:29 am

    Actually, listening to classical music is actually supposed to help increase creativity, concentration, and focus. I do it and it really does make a difference, try it out!

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