WordPress Plugins To Hide Ads From Regular Readers
ADVERTISEMENTSDisplaying AdSense or any other Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising programs in your latest posts are not of much use as they are visited mostly by only your regular readers who are mostly adblind, that is they know exactly where your ad is placed and so they will just skip it and read your content.
Hence you may want to display ads on just the older posts as that will make your regular readers happy as well as still make you money as it is the older posts that attract traffic from search engines that are more likely to click your ads.
If you run a WordPress blog, there are two plugins that can help you to prevent showing ads to regular readers: Who Sees Ads and Shylock AdSense Plugin.
Who Sees Ads is an advanced ad management plugin that lets you decide who will see your ads, depending on user defined conditions.
Shylock AdSense Plugin lets you insert AdSense units in your posts that are older than a certain number of days. Using the plugin you can put an ad on the bottom of your new posts and as the post gets older, the ad can be displayed on top of the article. Hence you can make your regular readers happy as well as earn money at the same time
To clear confusion, AdSense-Deluxe plugin also lets you insert AdSense units in your posts but it does not allow you to display ads on just older posts.
Shylock AdSense plugin also has a feature to have posts without ads inserted in them, that may be useful for payed reviews.

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Posted on September 14th, 2007 | Category: WordPress Plugins |
Robert Irizarry
September 15, 2007 at 6:47 am
If you define older posts as anything not on your home page then Adsense Deluxe fills this need. Under options, you can enable/disable ads on the home page.
September 16, 2007 at 4:36 am
I installed the WhoSeeAds and doesn’t look like it work for my blog.
September 17, 2007 at 7:25 pm
Hmmm… this is a really good idea, because I don’t think “regulars” click on the ads anyway. I’ll have to look into this!
Ramana Rajgopaul
September 18, 2007 at 5:18 pm
The basic idea is very good and should indeed be more effective. Most bloggers tend to skip ads and actually dislike clutter. Selective positioning of ads on older and newer blogs could solve this problem of ignoring ads by bloggers.
Reena Daruwalla
September 18, 2007 at 10:13 pm
I have to say I am not too sure how these plugins work, but I do agree that regular readers are, as you say “ad-blind” and I do think that you would need some help to get them to click on the adverts.
Pramath Malik
September 18, 2007 at 11:34 pm
Seems like an excellent concept. Even though most inveterate blog readers are used to ignoring ads. They are still there and are rather irritating.
The concept of having ads on old articles. This also works as an incentive for readers to keep themmselves updated and reading the articles regularly.
Alet Viegas
September 19, 2007 at 2:56 am
I’m a newbie to blogging…glad I stumbled on this piece of info…Definitely a plugin I would love to use once I get a good amount of traffic…
NTG (Natasha Khanna)
September 19, 2007 at 4:02 pm
The idea of the plug-in is fundamentally correct, but web programming has gone far beyond displaying content to be skipped.
Advertisements need to be clubbed with content, so as to give users a more comprehensive view on what the advertisers want to sell.
The model of yahoo, where ad’s related to the cookies in your computer pop up, give you more of a sense that you found what you were looking for. Who sees ad’s is more
on the same lines with user defined environment, whereas the yahoo model is based on the cookies present in your cache due to your browsing.
September 20, 2007 at 3:12 am
Most of us nowadays hate looking into ads so this would help us to abandon the ads an.Hats off to this great idea.
Geetha K C
September 21, 2007 at 2:21 am
There may be net users like me also. I used to view all the ads seen on a page and if anything interests me in an ad I click at it. I think if the ad-givers change the appearance or the words used in them, now and then, then more clicks may be possible. Make the ads colorful and use catchy words. This will help both the ad-givers and the site owners.
Sean from AboutBlogging.Info
September 24, 2007 at 8:00 pm
Interesting idea. I use pivot which allows me to use different templates for my front page and my archives. It might be worth considering reducing my advertising on the front page and concentrating on leaving it in the archives.
September 24, 2007 at 10:51 pm
I’m wondering if you already knew a plugin here http://www.articleecho.com/dynamicads, they say their plugin can rotate the ads on some locations on your page.